The Blame is on Us, Not Obama!

There is enough wrong in the United States’ domestic and foreign policies which is attributable to President Obama. However, the recent events in Dallas, the advent of #Black Lives Matter and the renewed activism of the New Black Panthers are not his fault.

Our society treats black people wrongly in many cases. Young black jazz musicians have been pulled over by police for no infractions or suspicious behavior, rather for being black. The President is Black, no need to use hyphenations, and I assume that he may feel the pain of the sorry predicament of many American Black people.

Baltimore riots.
Evil ugly Baltimore riots.

I am Jewish from a family who suffered being disenfranchised. I constantly dwell on anti-Semitism issues and the unfair and immoral bashing and treatment Israel receives in so many of the world’s institutions.

Thanks to programs that are anti-discriminatory and the reparations of affirmative action there is a large and growing number of Black Americans who have entered into and participate in every institution in our nation. Why are these who managed to cross all barriers mostly silent on the illegitimacy, fourth generation of unwed black teen age mothers, rampant drug use and sales, and criminal behavior that plagues Black youth, rendering them unemployable? Why do they accept the false and destructive narrative of the Left, which they have been captive to?

There are exceptions. To name a handful, Tom Sowell, Jason Riley, Ben Carson, Deroy Murdock, Larry Elder, Pastor Jesse Peterson and commentator Juan Williams who try to confront these issues on the Left. They do not always do that from a good standpoint for Black Americans. Where are the others, the rest?

Blame them and their “leaders” and their badly leading pastors as well as posturing white elite limousine despicable liberals who work to gain political points on account of the life and future of every American of dark skin. But don’t blame the President for this crisis; it did not start eight years ago, though his ideology, behavior and inept leadership managed to make the situation so much worse.

As I see it, Obama is of black and white parents. His inner struggle with who he is and the struggle of America is much the same. Unless we stop seeing color to see that all people have been created equal in God’s creation, this problem will never go away. It may lull for a while and then will surface again to be covered with a thin plaster to deteriorate and resurface over and over. No Affirmative Action will heal this sore created by mankind. Only following the inalienable right of true equality for all people could do that.

Nurit Greenger

During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the “Accidental Reporter” felt compelled to become an activist. Being an ‘out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a “one-woman Hasbarah army” for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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