Positive Pregnancy Test Now What?

The results have come out and yes, just like you expected, you are pregnant. Congratulations are in order! But, with the positive pregnancy test comes a host of changes and it’s imminent that you have to make some adjustments here and there.

Interestingly, you will get lots of advice from all quarters about the do’s and don’ts of an expectant mother. Some of that advice may not necessarily be helpful. Some of it may relate to not always trusting a positive pregnancy test. Before you go taking advice from everyone, read this.

Learn Everything You Can About Pregnancy

If it’s your first time to get pregnant, it is important that you acquaint yourself with the basics of pregnancy. Get yourself a pregnancy calendar that will allow you to follow your pregnancy week by week. If possible sign up for an early pregnancy class at your nearest medical or birth center. This will enable you to acquire some knowledge to help you make wise decisions about you and your developing baby. You may also read a book to get substantial knowledge on pregnancy, giving birth and postnatal care.

Also, get a creative pastime. Brother sewing machines, for instance, offer a range of models that you can use during your first semester to make decorative items or baby clothes. You only need to make sure that the unit of your choice is easy to use, of course with the basic features.

Planned Parenthood, AKA Unplanned Pregnancy. Positive Pregnancy Test
Planned Parenthood, AKA Unplanned Pregnancy, Starts New Fundraising Idea

Make a Doctor’s Appointment

If you took the pregnancy test at home, the first thing to do is to book an appointment with your prenatal doctor. Among other things, the doctor will confirm that indeed you’re pregnant and will give you advice on what to do from then on. Besides, the doctor will conduct a physical test to find out if you have any conditions that would necessitate special care.

As you wait for the doctor to slot you in for an appointment, be sure to ask any questions you may have concerning your pregnancy. It is important to note that after a positive pregnancy test, the earlier you book the appointment, the better. Some of the reasons that would necessitate that you see your prenatal doctor sooner include previous pregnancy loss, pain or bleeding and chronic conditions including diabetes and hypothyroidism.

Watch What Goes Through Your Mouth

While the diet that you eat during pregnancy is important, you need to know which foods you should avoid. The last thing you want during pregnancy is to eat foods that will make you nauseated or increase your urge to vomit. Below is a look at some food that should not feature in your menu during pregnancy.

Unpasteurized Food

By all means, avoid unpasteurized food because according to research it can be potentially harmful. Some of the rations in this category include blue cheese and Brie. Unpasteurized foods are also not recommended during pregnancy.

Alcoholic Drinks

There is nothing wrong with drinking an occasional glass of wine during the last semester of your pregnancy. However, medical practitioners warn against the use of any alcoholic beverages during the early days of your pregnancy as it could harm the developing fetus.

Undercooked Meat and Eggs

Your body is more susceptible to harmful bacteria when you’re pregnant. You should, therefore, stay away from undercooked food to prevent interactions from bacteria such as salmonella. Whenever possible use a meat thermometer to check if it’s thoroughly cooked.

Keep off food prepared using raw eggs such as cookie dough or eggnog. If you’re to eat any meat, ensure that it’s cooked until steaming hot.

Certain Seafood

All seafood is harmful during pregnancy. However, certain seafood is loaded with excessive levels of mercury that can harm your unborn baby’s nervous system. Seafood to avoid during pregnancy includes swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel.

Also, do not eat uncooked or raw seafood such as mussels and oyster due to the presence of harmful bacteria and viruses. Eating smoked salmon is not any better.

The Positive Pregnancy Test Bottom Line

Most women look forward to getting pregnant, bear children and raise a family. However, a lot of things could go wrong after a positive pregnancy test. You need to plan ahead and prepare every bit of the month to get through the pregnancy period safely. Most importantly, work on getting past morning sickness during the first month.

baby getting sound sleep
Image by ferhat kazancı from Pixabay
Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.