Playing Your Cards Right: 5 Factors That Can Make or Break Your Personal Injury Case

When you proceed with your personal injury case, how do you imagine it panning out? If we want anything to go as smoothly as possible, it’s very important to anticipate problems. With personal injury cases, there are a number of things that can work in your favor – or tank your case entirely. Here are five factors that can either pose a huge risk or completely save the day when you’re involved in a lawsuit.

  1. A doctor’s instructions.

With any injury, seeking medical attention right away is important. But sticking with follow up appointments and heeding a doctor’s advice is critical when you’re going through with a personal injury case.

If you fail to see a doctor or have the injury treated in a way that could mitigate the long-term impacts, you might be considered partially responsible for the losses caused by your injury.

  1. Social media.

Injuries that lead to chronic pain are tricky, mysterious things. We long for those days when our pain is manageable enough that we can actually enjoy our lives. But unfortunately, that great day you had out and about becomes bad for your case when the photos hit social media.

While you’re involved in the case, refrain from posting on social media, and discourage your friends and family from tagging you in posts. Even if you’re genuinely suffering, it’s easy for the other side to twist events.

  1. Evidence.

If there is any aspect of your case which could be described as unclear, then it might cast doubt on who is actually at fault. When considering the events that led to your injury, ask yourself, “Is there any evidence to back this up?”

Write down everything you can recall while it’s as fresh as possible. Photos and video related to the scene and events are helpful. All of your medical records and any proof of loss (such as wages) should be presented as well. It’s also handy to have contact information for witnesses, which happen to be our next make-or-break factor.

  1. Witnesses.

There’s no telling what someone will say while on the stand, in an affidavit, or during deposition. Chances are, they won’t relay details exactly as you would have them do, even if they’re on your side. You also have to anticipate what witnesses might be presented by the person at fault, and how to counter their account.

Expert witnesses can make or break the case as well. For them, preparation is every bit as important as it is for the average citizen.

  1. The right attorney.

If all of these factors are making you nervous, know that the purpose of a good injury law firm is to help you with all of the above.

From excellent advice, to key resources in investigation and witness preparation, a personal injury attorney knows exactly what threatens your case, and where your greatest strengths are.

Your case may be open and shut in your mind, but remember that not everyone is coming into this with empathy for your suffering. Do your part in finding the best attorney, documenting everything you can for use as evidence, continuing with your medical treatment, and refraining from sharing online.

Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.