Benyamin Netanyahu, aren’t you sick and tired of the every few years Hamas Terror Déjà vu? We are tired of it.
Someone online wrote a speech for you claiming that you, Mr. Netanyahu, delivered it. I know you did not say such truth to power, but you should have, years ago, when the first rocket was fired from Gaza into Israel.

So here is my version of the speech you owe to deliver:
The Speech Netanyahu Should Have Delivered
I address this speech to Ismail Haniya, and Hamas leaders and operatives:
We, the people of Israel, owe you a huge debt of gratitude.
You have succeeded where we have failed for quite some time. Like always, in time of crisis, when our homeland is attacked and it needs our help to be defended, the Jewish people are united, one person, one heart.
Everyone in Israel, from Left to Right politically, secular and religious alike, are all united in the understanding that there will no longer be tolerance and appeasement of an enemy that is sworn to destroy our county and kill our people.
So, as you continue firing deadly missiles at your will and indiscriminately, intended to cause as much destruction and loss of life, while you cowardly fire rockets from your civilian buildings, in order to use them as your human shields, our unity’s resolve only gets more empowered.
Whatever disagreements we Israeli-Jews may have with each other, we are now gathered under one common goal: we will defeat you and destroy you.
Your last chance. Within 24 hours, all rocket fire – I mean, all rocket fire – will cease. Completely. Forever. There will not be one more time for you to cause such mayhem and disruption.
Mr. Haniya and your terror troopers, I am giving you this formal notice. Our tanks are already amassed at the Gaza border and their heavy artillery is ready for firing at a moment’s notice. Our Air Force is already at work and their attacks will intensify.
We are getting ready to clean Gaza of all terror. For that matter, we have already dropped warning leaflets over the northern parts of the Gaza Strip, letting your civilians know of our impending arrival, and that they must evacuate southward, at once.
However, if you fail to meet this ultimatum, on behalf of my nation, Israel, our Defense Forces (IDF) will be moving into the Gaza terror enclave.

We are coming in!
And this time we will not leave. There will be no temporary ceasefire. Every centimeter of the land we gain will be annexed to greater Israel, immediately. This is to secure that there will never be another attack launched at our civilians from there.
For a short while we will still keep the door open to allow you to surrender gracefully. The moment you announce that you are laying down your arms, the Israeli military will halt its advance, and where we stopped is where we will draw the new border with Gaza. However, if you continue to fire rockets at our civilian population, our tanks will continue to roll southwards, driving you out of the territory that you will never again be able to contaminate with your evil presence, your rockets and your terror.
I am sympathetic that your civilians will be made homeless. But we did not choose or start this war. You did!
If my choice is between allowing our citizens to be mercilessly targeted by your brutal barbarity, versus turning your civilians into refugees, I simply must choose the latter.
Rocket Fire in the Skies Over Israel
If only you loved your people as much as you hate my people and my country, this war would have never happened.
As for the rest of the world, I say this: Israel is fatigued with your endless discrimination, criticism, lies and hypocrisy. Your constant demand that we should “show restraint” has become meaningless. That is because Hamas and Hezbollah show no restraint when attacking us at their will and you never ask them to show restraint. It is always the Jews who have no right to defend themselves. Right?!
When the nations of the world have their entire population under constant missile fire coming at them from an uncivilized and merciless enemy, whose official stating goal is to murder every man, woman and child in your land, then you may come and talk to us about “restraint” and “proportionate response.”
Until then, we respectfully let you know that your double standards, when it comes to Israel and Jews, are no longer acceptable and be tolerated.
This time, Hamas has gone much too far, and we will do whatever we have to do and what is necessary in order to protect our population and our land and achieve the desirous infinite peace with the Gaza Strip.
The people of Israel do not fear the long road ahead. Our nation has been though much worse and we shall come through this too.
Ismail Haniya, we are coming at you, and this time, all our goals will be met.
My Message To Benjamin Netanyahu
Mr. Netanyahu, respectfully, this is the speech you should have made. Israelis expected this, many people around the world expected this, but not the one you delivered. The speech you gave, Mr. Netanyahu, did not go far enough. It was like all the others before it, too mild to never reach best conclusion for the Nation of Israel. Although we don’t want you to telegraph Israel’s moves, you must set out exactly what will happen. Otherwise, the wicked hands around the world will be much more emboldened to attack you, and we will be back where we were before.
The fact that the Biden administration indirectly funding the enemies of the free world means it is past time to be tinkering around the edges. It is already clear the US administration is on a different path, not the path of peace. Mr. Netanyahu, show that you are the protector of Israel and a champion of regional peace.