Kosovo Never Again Under Colonial Serbia


If Serbia wants to join EU membership, it must change its constitution, and recognize independent Kosovo. This would be the right and objective national and state strategy of democratic Serbia. It should not be focused on its national and state interests of hegemonism, expansionism, and territorial claims on Kosovo and other territories of ethnic Albania (such as Presheva, Bujanovac and Medvedja etc.). Such a misguided strategic policy of Serbia would lead to confrontations, conflicts and new wars in the Balkans.

For this purpose, Serbia must remove Kosovo from her Constitution without any negotiation with Kosovo Albanian political leadership, because Kosovo is a foreign country for Serbia. Nothing more nor less.

Aleksandar Vucic as Serbia’s President has the legal and constitutional right to seek and propose the changing of the Constitution of Serbia. He is wrong when he says that for this purpose should be included and Kosovo leadership on dialogue being that Kosovo is not the internal issue of Serbia, but an independent and sovereign state since February 17, 2008. i.e. it doesn’t belong to colonial Serbia (1912-1999).

This is an important historical, political, juridical argument which Serbia’s president should take into account. There’s no more Albanian Kosovo under colonial Serbia (1912-1999).

Kosovo Albanian leadership is ready and willing to talk with Serbia’s legitimate political representatives on all the problems if they exist between the two states, but never about the political and constitutional status of Kosovo, because it was closed on February 17, 2008.

Despite all the wishes, motives, and goals of Serbia’s political, national and state strategy, President Aleksandar Vucic should not mislead the Serb people and manipulate the relevant international factors (America, EU, NATO). He alleges that now is the right time to open new negotiations about Kosovo’s political status because it belongs to Serbia’s territory. The Albanians will never be ready or willing to talk on revision of the political status of their independent and sovereign state, recognized by 115 United Nations members (2008-2017).

This clear and rational argument should take it under consideration by the new president of Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic. This is because the new historic and political reality in Kosovo. Neither Serbia nor Serbs can change, using their ancient national romantic myths of the medieval era and their genocides for the extermination of the Albanian Nation. We know they have the aim of invading Kosovo, i.e. Ethnic Albania (1912-1999).

The new president of Serbia and all Serbs ought to now the fact that the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and Albanian peoples in Kosovo (1989-1999) didn’t fight against Serbian invaders, so that in peace they would return back again under Serbia’s colonial and genocide rule (1912-1999). Thair goal was to be free, independent and sovereign in their own state-Kosovo.

This assessment was made by Henry Kissinger : “The Albanians did not fight for autonomy but for independence and surely not to remain under Yugoslav sovereignty.” (Does America need a foreign policy? New York, 2001, p.270).

Hereupon, Presidet Aleksandar Vucic, the Serbian state and people, should know that any state that has been colonized has never returned to previous colonial foreign rule. We know there are many decolonised states in Africa, Asia and Latin America, after the Second World War.

Hence, Serbia and its president Aleksandar Vucic should be greeted with former colonized Kosovo, there’s no more Kosovo under colonial and genocidal Serbia (1912-1999).

If Vucic would show himself as a grand statesman then he should recognizes independence of Kosovo, just as the President of France (General) Charles de Gaulle did in 1962 recognizing the independce of the Algerian Republic according to the signed “Evian Agreements , March 18, 1962 in Evian-les-Bains, France.”

Only Kosovo’s recognition would bring Serbia into the EU and rescue it from existing problems with neighboring countries.

Otherwise, Serbia will be the main cause of the destabilization of security and peace in the Balkans and in Europe. This is just as it once was the cause of the outbreak of the First World War (1914-1918). War started after the assassination of Austria’s Archiduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife in Sarajevo on 28 June, 1914 by the Serbian terrorist Gavrilo Princip, a member of the “Black Hand” terrorist organization, sponsored and upheld by the state of Serbia.

Mehdi Hyseni Ph.D.
Mehdi Hyseni Ph.D.

Mehdi Hyseni is an Albanian Ph.D. in International Political Relations, residing in Boston.

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