‘For Monty Python Fans, A Special Request’

Let’s see, how do I approach this? Everybody knows John Cleese, of Monty Python fame, right? Well, Monty Python fans, perhaps you will remember this episode, and let other readers know it really exists, because otherwise many may not believe what they are about to read:

The scene is a bare military room, with a low table and a very large map of Africa-maybe six feet high-on the wall behind. John Cleese walks in dressed as an army officer of stern bearing, to address the troops in a classroom situation.

As he begins to harangue the men, who are off-camera, he stands in front of and just to the side of the map of Africa, and two things quickly become obvious: First, he is playing a martinet, a very tough taskmaster, of fearsome bearing; and second, just behind him Africa looks like the facial profile of a man of similar fearsome personality.

As the skit continues, audience laughter begins and grows, as it becomes ever more obvious that this skit is all about that image of Africa, as a fearsome face. It is such an uncanny resemblance, you can only laugh, because it really is just an accurate map of Africa, and it really looks for all the world like a man’s face, in profile, and John Cleese mirrors its fierce personality perfectly.


Now, if any Monty Python fans can tell me how to cite this episode in a serious article or scientific paper, I would greatly appreciate hearing from you, because here is what I really want to tell my readers:

I am a physical scientist and professional researcher. In 1997, I found a design encompassing both the terrestrial and celestial spheres-that is, in the shapes of the landmasses on Earth, and the constellation forms on the celestial sphere, or “Heaven” of the ancients. It was an electric discovery, and it was just the beginning of uncovering what I came to call the great design of the “gods,” and the message it contains for all of us on the Earth.

I have written a whole book about uncovering the great design, which required a wholesale re-formation of not only the Earth, but the entire solar system (for the design includes precise information about a former orientation of the solar system, before it was changed-information which is precisely saved in ancient texts and very early sacred images, worldwide).

But how to introduce this to a wide audience, which I believe should know about this amazing world-encompassing design, imposed upon the Earth millennia before the beginning of known history?

I think I know how, although it’s iffy in the present skeptical intellectual climate, and with all the other concerns that besiege most of us, these days. I can begin by showing you clear examples of design on the Earth, and in the solar system beyond, that are so clear they would long ago have been recognized as such, if design of the world was seriously considered, by science, rather than casually dismissed as a thinly-veiled religious threat to “rational” thought. I pointed out one such obvious example of design in my recent article, The Clockwork Moon Science Ignores.

Now, find yourself a good atlas, with an accurate image of Africa. I have included a simplified one here, showing the outline of Africa, the interior lakes along the Great African Rift outlining the “cheek,” the larger Lake Victoria as a recognizable “eye,” and the Zambezi River as the “mouth.” This image was one of the first indications I found of a deliberate shaping of the landmasses on the Earth, in my research. And, while some will tell you that it is just a subjective illusion to see the face in Africa, I know better, because I remember that Monty Python skit, which turned on that precise resemblance, and succeeded so well because of the amazing fact of it.

The landmasses of the Earth exhibit many creature-like shapes, mostly incomplete or otherwise tantalizingly vague, but many like Africa are quite striking and clear. And they are almost all upright on the globe of the Earth, with north defined as “up”-and that means they were not randomly positioned, but deliberately shaped and placed upright. The landmasses of the Earth were designed, as any child can see-and as mankind was taught, in its childhood, by the “gods.”

Stay tuned. Read my blog at theendofthemystery, and find links to my books on Amazon.com at lulu.com. The great design is the biggest combination jigsaw puzzle, illustrated story and world-encompassing treasure hunt (which Isaac Newton himself long sought) ever seen-and it’s a scientific fact.

Dale Huffman

Dale Huffman is an independent research physical scientist interested in the truth behind the UFO mystery. He is the author of The End of the Mystery.