Two Roads Converge for Mankind
Learning to live in this frightening new world – one that reasonable men would scarcely embrace – is a monumental feat. Faced with two roads, is humanity to take the one less taken or march backward in time to the year 600 A.D. at warp speed?
We seem to have adapted to the acceptance we must live side by side with evil like a neighbor that trashes his house and lets his dog run wild to bite children at play, and you are simply grateful you are not the one living next door.
Of course when his trash and dog travel through the area and land on your lawn, it is a horse of a different pastel altogether.
Most Americans are over the winds of war. We have spent the better part of the last century and the new one talking ourselves into the belief, unless Hitler returns there is no need for bloody battle scenarios. It is no wonder when we have seen innocent American lives and untold treasure wasted and the good we do undone.
This misguided and calamitous ideology has led to destruction, 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, Fort Hood, and coming soon to a theatre near you, one can only shake in their boots with fear to imagine.
The world looks far different than fifty years ago before November 22, 1963.
America was then a peaceful village dealing with issues of segregation in the south. Disgusted by news stories of blacks being hosed and chased by dogs, Civil rights workers – blacks and whites – hanging from trees, one couldn’t fathom a sorrier sight in a country so filled with wonderful possibilities.

John Kennedy and his brother Robert fought hard for civil rights, yet it took Lyndon Johnson, who knew where all the bodies were buried, to push all the right buttons in Congress and get the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed.
Hope returned, and America felt it was on the right track and pointed toward the sun.
Then came Viet Nam and disgrace, blood and disillusion to the young and Nixon, the reality check where politicians were concerned. Like virgins, we awoke to the fact we were no longer unsullied, but in bed with, Lord Help Us, politicians.
This is a lesson we too soon forgot to our chagrin, for our elected officials are all the same. Yet now that moment of forgetfulness has cost us dearly.
So what do we do now?
How do we stop a world rolling downward into hell like a giant snowball on roller skates?
Cleopatra Queen of Denial is in the White House, and Congress, well, there are simply no words to describe a sorrier bunch of bozos.
We are out there on our own now, on the rockiest seas ever charted by a planet filled with flawed humans.
Suddenly we find ourselves in a dilemma of catastrophic proportions, as two species of man populate earth, savages and men of intellect. Unfortunately, we are discovering that both cannot exist side by side.
Man can walk into the future embracing the greatest scientific marvels ever known. The Hadron Collider in Geneva has shown man’s capacity to elevate science and physics to heights previously beyond our reach. A new age of intellectualism – where color, religion and gender become at last insignificant – can arise and lead us toward humankind’s ultimate potential.
Or the savages marching backward in time can draw man back into the dark ages where caves once again become the homes of choice.
Of course it is easy for reasonable men to decide, but who will make that choice?
Who will stop the raging tide of man’s existence down the dark muddy river of extinction?
Who will dare rise up to fight the good fight against this malevolence?
If there is any hope for the choices that must be made, it lies in the union of reason and humanity. Evil is past any necessity for judgment, it can no longer be disguised but is open and brazen.
The enemy is clear, but will good people be wise enough to set aside their differences to rise up and defeat the wicked before their strength becomes unmanageable?
It has always been the way of the world that good should overcome evil, but it is also a fact that many good men must die in the process.
It seems as though the battles get longer and the toll of the good grows higher. Yet, it would seem rational the opposite should occur, but does not. Evil’s proactive posture will always get the jump on good’s reactive nature.
They have acted too long and now we need to respond. They have murdered in the most heinous of ways – men, women and children have been slaughtered – so how long will it take until the despicable are defeated? How many must die at the hands of terrorists bent on destruction and death?
We know the players, and I beg good people everywhere to get in the game. The sides are easy to choose, all we need is to come to the table and show our hand.
To these horrors testing mankind’s future, I say simply, “DEAL,” because I remain certain goodness possesses the winning hand.