Because of the internal differences within the nation of Islam in the 1960’s, those events led to the assassination of Malcolm X. And after the death of the leader at the time which was Elijah Muhammad the fate of the NOI fell into the hands of Louis Farrakhan. But if Malcolm had been allowed to live and assume his role in the nation of Islam, many believe that after the death of Elijah – Malcolm X would have become the leader in 1975.
If Malcolm X Had Lived , Farrakhan Would Not Be The Leader Today
– Quote by Hubert 2X
But fate allowed otherwise and since Malcolm’s death Louis Farrakhan has successfully managed to build the NOI into a world-wide organization. An organization built upon the national and world-wide notoriety that was established by Malcolm X. And although Malcolm left the NOI before his death, he set the standard for Farrakhan’s refurbished NOI, which is based on Malcolm’s diagram of a black nationalist religion.
But as Farrakhan’s age becomes more and more a factor, members are silently wondering who will lead the NOI after he passes away? And because Farrakhan has not publicly groomed a replacement, the only man qualified to lead the black Muslim movement is Malcolm X. – But how can this be done?
Well, YouTube has enough content available on Malcolm X to educate the up and coming young black Muslims, socially, religiously and politically. And because Malcolm has become a highly respected Icon, who is in many ways more respected than Farrakhan. It is inevitable that the black Muslims turn to Malcolm on YouTube for guidance after there is no “living” leader to guide their ambitions.
But I believe that this will cause another inevitable event. – Nation of Islam Members Will Convert to Orthodox Islam.
I believe America will begin to see a massive conversion to orthodox Islam within the black Muslim movement after the death of Farrakhan. And this conversion will take place as soon as the masses of young black NOI members begin to look for a new leader to replace Farrakhan. – That leader being Malcolm X.
So under the direction of Malcolm X, it would be inevitable for members of the NOI to convert to orthodox Islam – just as Malcolm himself did in 1964. And with this one act, the 50-150,000 members of the NOI will combine themselves with the family of 1.62 Billion Muslims around the world.
That’s the theory … Find Me on Twitter @
Malcolm Speaks
YouTube Clip – Malcolm X – Speaks on Orthodox Islam