A Tale of the Most Intolerant Amongst Us

America has reached a strange point in its 241-year history. Will its people continue to tolerate the extreme political correctness of the intolerant far left, or disconnect from their absurdity? It seems the most intolerant amongst us rule over us without an election mandate to do so.

Here is a case in point. Seattle, WA was once a political climate of tolerant moderates who were considered middle-of-the-road politically. Over the recent decades, much like its neighbor to the south, Portland, OR, it has been invaded by the pervasive liberalism of Californians.

Seeking cheaper home prices, they influenced the political climate of the Emerald City to the extreme. While establishing their questionable ideology on the established residents through verbal intimidation and outright threats, the city is now paralyzed in fear of political correctness retribution.

The King County Courthouse in Seattle, and surrounding properties, have been besieged for years by one of American city’s biggest threats; permanent homelessness. Because of the “compassionate” climate of the left, the area has fallen victim to unsanitary conditions in the extreme.

Several judges and a sheriff who work at the courthouse have requested help with conditions that threaten the health of the general public. Enter one councilman who has objected to the cleaning plan, claiming it is “racially insensitive.”

larry gossett.
Larry Gossett.

It should be noted that the blocks surrounding the King County Superior Court are home to most of Seattle’s homeless shelters and social service buildings. The sidewalks emit a strong stench of urine and excrement, according to the very liberal Seattle Times.

But above and beyond the unsanitary conditions is the human element. Employees at the courthouse say the area is unsafe and that several jurors and half a dozen employees have been attacked outside the building.

This past week, Judges Laura Inveen and Jim Rogers asked the county for help in the area. They politely requested the courthouse be cleaned with a daily power-wash to get rid of the human waste stench. There were measures taken to remove bus stop benches in the area to decrease crime.

Judge Rogers told the Metropolitan King County Council Committee, “I’ve never seen it this bad.”

Is there one intelligent mind that would consider that statement to be “racist, bigoted, extreme, non-inclusive, homophobic” or any number of adjectives the far left flings around with abandonment?

The council simply could not come to any conclusion on how to reduce crime in the area. Oh, there was talk about increasing the cleaning schedule to keep up with the mounting mess, but not without “tolerant” objection.

Enter the dangerous world of political correctness from the far left. The Times noted one councilman’s refusal to face reality.

That would be Councilman Larry Gossett. Larry was “concerned” that power-washing the feces and urine off the sidewalk would bring back images of the civil-rights era when “black civil rights activists were hosed by local authorities.” Those were his words.

Huh? But the new make-up of the Seattle populace actually consider Larry a hero for his empowerment of the less privileged. That’s votes in the bank inside Seattle politics today.

Forget that Larry offered absolutely no evidence to back up the concern. That’s not part of the city’s new order.

To make a pathetic story a bit shorter, Larry’s “objections” did not halt the cleanup process. The sidewalks were cleaned and the homeless got what amounted to their very public bathroom cleaned by the overly patient taxpayers.

Larry, now a “compassionate” heartthrob, did not immediately respond to the cleanup order. However, county administrative officer Caroline Whalen and the facilities manager promised an increase in sterilizing the area.

There are thousands of small stories like this throughout the United States. A small percentage of overzealous individuals claim to be “the most tolerant” among us. If you disagree, they become what they truly are; the most intolerant people who have a ready-supply of adjectives to describe your “lack of understanding.”

Dwight L. Schwab Jr.

Dwight L. Schwab Jr. is a moderate conservative who looks at all sides of a story, then speaks his mind. He has written more than 3500 national political and foreign affairs columns. His BS in journalism from the University of Oregon, with minors in political science and American history stands him in good stead for his writing.


Dwight has 30-years in the publishing industry, including ABC/Cap Cities and International Thomson. His first book, “Redistribution of Common Sense – Selective Commentaries on the Obama Administration 2009-2014,” was published in July, 2014. “The Game Changer – America’s Most Stunning Presidential Election in History,” was published in April 2017.


Dwight is a native of Portland, Oregon, and now a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area.
