US Political Environment Becoming Excessively Partisan?

Reader Bob Pappas wrote to Senator Nelson and shows us the exchange between them.

Dear Senator Nelson,

In your email, you wrote:

Dear Mr. Pappas:

Thank you for contacting me regarding bipartisan cooperation in Congress.

The political environment has become excessively partisan and people are tired of it. I will continue to work against partisan gridlock, as I have through my entire elected public life, reaching across the aisle and bringing people together to build consensus so we can focus on the issues.

I am committed to addressing the many other challenges we face through cooperation and honest, open debate. Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope you will not hesitate to do so in the future.


Bill Nelson


Partisanship is a problem, unfortunately, from my observation, it is only partisanship when Republicans do not cave in to Democratic demands. i.e. “do it my way.”

I am an independent, no party affiliation and I’ll be very frank…unless you folks in Washington get a grip, my impression from everything I see and read is that there is great unrest…and that portends no good for anyone. I recommend that you get to the President and let him in on the secret, he needs to get off the kick of “I won” an on to the train of “we the people.” I remind you that he received about 60 million of 310 million Americans. Hardly what one can call depth, that’s barely 19% of the population Senator.

Please disabuse your colleagues and the President of any notion of repeat unilateral behavior that we observed in Obamacare. And while you are at it, would you be so kind as to begin exercising your Constitutional duties…i.e. “advise and consent,” so far I’ve observed pathetic little.

Sincerely yours,

Bob Pappas

Letters To The Editor

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