The Riddle of the Sphinx – Solved

Egyptologists say the Great Sphinx at Giza in Egypt is 4500 years old, or about as old as the Great Pyramid. Many alternative researchers believe its rain-eroded enclosure and deeply weathered platform makes it older, between 7500 and 9000 years.

Now revolutionary new knowledge has come to light: Authoritative information anciently encoded on both the terrestrial and celestial spheres tells us the Sphinx is about 10,700 years old, more than twice as old as modern science would have us believe, but confirming of what Plato wrote concerning Egypt almost 2400 years ago.

But there is much more to the Sphinx than just its creation date; it commemorates the very establishment of a great design of the world – the actual re-formation of Earth and “Heaven” – more than 17,000 years ago, as uncovered and verified in my research, and outlined in the online article, “Design Behind the Ancient Mysteries.”

Who is right? Modern science thinks the Sphinx was carved in the reign of the Pharaoh Khafre, who is credited also with the middle, or “second” pyramid at Giza, physically linked to the Sphinx by a megalithic stone causeway. Egyptologists say the face on the Sphinx is that of Khafre himself. Alternative researchers say Khafre only did restorative work on the monument, and the face does not match his, as known from other statues and verified by a modern forensic expert.

But neither Egyptologists nor past alternative researchers know what the Sphinx actually represents. They can only speculate about its date of creation.

The “alternative” explanation is that the Sphinx represents the constellation Leo, and some say this points to a time 12,500 years ago (10,500 BC) when Leo was on the vernal equinox; but the strongest link they can make to this date is that the psychic Edgar Cayce said while in trance that the Great Pyramid was built at that time, in his words “10,499 years before the prince of peace entered Egypt.”

Egyptologists and other scientific “experts” deny a Leo connection, saying the constellation was only invented in the first millennium BC, long after the Sphinx was carved. And most importantly, just what was supposed to have happened in human history, at that time or earlier, so strange and wonderful as to have led one of the earliest civilizations on Earth to carve such a monstrous yet strangely childish thing? Without knowing that, speculations about the mere date of creation of the Sphinx are empty indeed.

Actually, my research was the first to prove what alternative truth-seekers have long believed but never established as fact, the direct ancient identification of the Great Sphinx with Leo. This is how it is done: The Sphinx was associated in ancient texts with a god having the strange name “Rwty,” which it turns out is really “rw-ty,” meaning “two lions.” The Egyptians in fact used a recumbent-lion image (the same form as both the constellation Leo, and the Sphinx) for the hieroglyph known today as “rw”; and while Egyptologists pronounce this as “ru,” they also know it was used to represent the “l” sound in non-Egyptian names such as “Ptolemy” and “Cleopatra.”

Long before I came upon those facts, I had independently verified that the “w” used by the Egyptians in such words as “rw-ty” originally stood for an “ee-ooh” (“you”) or “ee-oh” pronunciation. So the actual pronunciation of the “rw” lion symbol in ancient Egypt was “lw,” or “leo,” the same name we use for a lion today. (Similarly, the classical Greeks knew the Pharaoh Khwfw as “Cheops,” and the Greek counterpart of “Ushas,” the Indian goddess of the dawn, was “Eos.” )

But why “two lions” in referring to the Great Sphinx? Because it was carved, at the time when ancient Egypt was established, when Leo was at one “gate” of the year: the spring equinox; but it commemorated a date six and a half millennia earlier, when the great design of the Earth and solar system was imposed, and Leo was at another “gate” of the year: the “gate to the underworld,” or winter solstice.

Leo was on the vernal equinox continuously for more than 2000 years, and the difference between the 12,500 years ago of other researchers and the time I discovered, 10,700 years ago, is 1800 years: To make a long story short, past alternative efforts focused upon the time when the rear end of Leo was on the vernal equinox, but the correct time is when its head was there; more precisely, the Great Sphinx was carved when the vernal equinox was just by the star Regulus in Leo – known since antiquity as the “heart of the lion,” since it marks the breast of the figure, just below the head.

The reason we can know this precisely is because of my research into the great design, which is too lengthy to go into here but proves that the central design – of the Earth’s current orientation and motions in space – was completed about 17,100 years ago. At that time, the star Regulus was at the winter solstice, and this is the circumstance which not just the lion figure of the Sphinx but all of its ancient names as well are meant to commemorate.

The Sphinx’s ancient name of “Horemakhet,” for example, is currently thought to have meant “Horus on the horizon,” but it actually meant “Horus at the gate to the underworld,” or in real terms “Leo at the winter solstice,” with the precise meaning I have given above. Another of its names, “Hwl,” became to the local Arabs “Abu Hol,” or “father of terror”; but “Hwl,” according to what I have written about the Egyptian “w,” should be pronounced “hyule” – and “yule” was the ancient name for the winter solstice, and is still used for Christmas-time (as the winter solstice comes on or about December 21st each year). Many other ancient riddles, in fact, are solved by knowing that the ancient name for the winter solstice was “yule.”

At best, Egyptologists generally can only say the Great Sphinx is linked by hieroglyphic inscriptions to the Sun-God of various names in different ancient testaments: Atum, Aton, Horus and Ra (or Re). Actually, these names are not all correct, as research into the great design has proved, and as students of hieroglyphics can readily confirm: “Atum” was really “Itm,” and “Aton” was “Itn” (and thus better pronounced “eaten”) – that is, “eden.”

No, I’m not hinting that the land around Giza was the original Eden of the Bible. But it, like the Sphinx, was meant to commemorate the original Eden, which was at the center of the great design of the “gods.” The “Garden of Eden” is identified in my books and in “Design Behind the Ancient Mysteries”; in one widely used ancient metaphor, it was the very “mouth” of the mythical “golden cup of the Sun,” as discussed in my NewsBlaze article, “The Holy Grail and the Great Design”, and as pictured on this page.

Briefly, the Earth was set up in the Design like a toy top in space. Modern physical scientists know that, just like a leaning, spinning top, the Earth precesses – that is, like the top it doesn’t fall over; rather, its spin axis revolves around its orbital axis, always maintaining about the same angle between the two axes (around 23.5 degrees). Here is the image of the precession, well-known to science.


The north pole of the Earth’s spin axis now points close to the star Polaris on the celestial sphere; just where it points is called the Celestial North Pole, or CNP. As the figure shows, in the precession the CNP circles the north pole of the ecliptic axis, the ENP. The CNP will come closest to Polaris in about 2105 AD, and goes entirely around the circle in about 25,900 years.

So it is a well-known scientific fact that the ENP is at the center of that precession circle. Compare this scientific understanding with world myths, in which the image of that circle and its center, the ENP, was widely known, metaphorically, as the “garden of the gods,” with a “tree of life” in the center.

The precession circle around the ENP was in fact both the “home and garden of the gods” in every major mythical tradition: Hyperborea (the “Land Beyond North”) and “Many-Peaked” Olympus, in the Greek; Asgard in the Norse; Swarga in India; Xian in China; the Duat in Egypt – and the “many-pointed Lotus” of both Egypt and India (with Brahma, the “All-Father” or Creator, standing in the center of the lotus, in India’s mythical tradition, just as Ra-Osiris – the “Source” – stands in the center of the Egyptian Duat).

The land of Egypt itself was changed to represent that circle, around 8700 BC, or 10,700 years ago, when the star Regulus in Leo was on the spring equinox. This confirms the date given by Plato, in his “Timaeus,” for the establishment of Egypt by the goddess Neith, alias Athene: eight thousand years before Solon visited Egypt (c. 600 BC).

The Nile delta was deliberately formed to have a circular arc, and with Giza at the center of that arc. This has been known to science ever since Napoleon conquered Egypt at the end of the 18th century, and had his savants, or scientists, make a detailed study of the fabulous land. Before the discovery of the great design, no one could have known what this mysterious geographic property of Egypt meant; now we know Egypt was deliberately designed as a commemorative land, pointing to the setting up of the Earth and solar system in their present orbital orientation, when the Earth began to precess around a newly-established ecliptic axis of the solar system. (This must have been the great design feat celebrated in the biblical book of Job, “when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of Elohim [literally, “the gods”] shouted for joy.” )

egypt circle
Here is an image of the area of Egypt on the globe, with the circle indicated by the Nile delta drawn upon it.

Remember I said above, the precession circle was represented as the “many-pointed lotus” in Egypt and India? Here is an image of the egyptian lotus, from a 19th Dynasty work of art. Note how closely this image mimics the Nile river and its delta, as seen from space.

egypt lotus
egypt lotus

The memory of man on Earth goes back further than we have been led to believe, especially in such lands as Egypt. It goes all the way back, in myth, to the golden race among whom the “gods” once walked, on a younger Earth. These would have been the “sons of God” mentioned fleetingly in the Bible, and the “nephelim” or “cast down” ones. Again, I have given much confirming evidence of this in “The End of the Mystery.”

The great design of the Earth and solar system was imposed by the extraterrestrial “gods” of worldwide myth and legend – “when the earth was divided” (according to the Bible, in Genesis 10:25), whole continents were rafted over the Earth (according to the great design, and to modern science only in recent decades), and “the new gods were born” among the planets (according to Greek myth).