
CARS, New FTC Rules Protect YOU!

Don't buy or lease a car in the U.S. until July. Fear of being cheated at car dealerships is one of the most fundamental concerns,...

Puppy Mills and Pet Stores

Some people buy dogs at pet stores in the mall. The stores usually state that their dogs come from reputable breeders not puppy mills.

Report Scammed Bitcoin (RSB) Reveals Crypto Recovery Facts

Many unfortunate people have fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam. They have lost their hard-earned money and felt helpless in the face of cybercriminals?...

Recent Real World Events Suggesting Changes in the Environment due to Climate Change

Full records for 2023 are not complete but so far every month is the warmest on record in the Northern Hemisphere and even if we had a few cooler years or a cooler decade that wouldn't disprove climate change.

Applying Biblical Egypt’s Climate Actions to Today’s Emergency

This story presents the interesting consistency among Biblical Egypt's actions (described in the Midrash) to avoid climate disaster, Islamic principles of social justice, and...


