The sense that there is a great mystery to life on Earth – beyond the existential questions of “Who, and what, am I?” – is a continuing attraction to every generation. The “ancient mysteries” are like a primordial Black Hole, or unplumbable singularity at the beginning of history, which swallows the hypotheses and explanations of modern writers in the thick, swirling dust of millennia and the soul-deadening tyrannies of past empires.
As a romantic idea, Atlantis is first and foremost like a bright, twinkling star, a light at the end of that long, long tunnel into the past. There – the stories that continue to spring from its legend all assure us – is a kind of eternal life, glimpsed like a miniature diorama etched on the head of a pin, put under a microscope, and seen through a lens: Far, far away in time and space, yet as close as our imagination and will to recreate.
Where was Atlantis, really? Or was it only in the minds of ancient Egyptian priests, naive travellers from classical Greece to the Alexandrian shore, and gossipful early philosophers pandering to the appetites of their audiences?
I will tell you where was Atlantis, for it was and is real; it had a strong part in the larger history of man, and the origin of the Earth as we know it today.
There is an actual image of Atlantis still extant in the world. It was stolen out of Egypt by Roman invaders, the story was told by one Athanasius Kircher, the author of the 17th century book “Mundus Subterraneus” and a highly respected intellect of his time. Here is the picture he presented, of Insula Atlantis, the “island of Atlantis.”
Now this is an upside-down image – with north toward the bottom and south toward the top – showing Insula Atlantis between the landmasses of Africa and Hispania (the Iberian peninsula) on the left, and America on the right. It is midway between these landmasses, in the very center of the “Oceanus Atlanticus,” or Atlantic Ocean. Note that the two lesser islands between Atlantis and America are not named on the map.
We are used to looking at the globe with north at the top, so let’s turn the image “right-side up.”
Now we can readily see the Iberian peninsula – Spain and Portugal – above Africa, on the eastern side, and a rather featureless bulge supposedly representing America on the west. Atlantis is certainly not featureless, but has a distinctive shape that holds out the hope that this was once a real land in the Atlantic whose contours were well known. But so far, we can only positively recognize Iberia, and the bulge of Africa to its south, not least because the Strait of Gibraltar that separates the two can be seen in its proper location.
Atlantis was said by Plato to have sunk beneath the surface of the ocean, in just one day and night of earthquake and flood; it made the Atlantic an impassable muddy shoal, he reported as if it were a fact in his own time (in the 4th century BC).
However, evidence found in America of colonies established there by Egypt and other Mediterranean lands, several centuries earlier (as early as the 9th century BC) – as reported in the book “America BC” (1975) by anthropologist Barry Fell – tells us the explorers of these lands were well able to cross the Atlantic nearly 3,000 years ago, just as we can today.
Is there any hope of finding a sunken landmass in the Atlantic, with the recognizable shape and size of “Insula Atlantis” on the Kircher map? The answer is no; the floor of the Atlantic has been thoroughly mapped, and this shape does not show up on those maps, dominated by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, or mid-ocean rift.
But Atlantis is not lost forever, after all. There is a land with just the right shape and size to have been the fabled Lost Isle.
In discovering and subsequently verifying the Great Design of the “gods,” which had involved a wholesale re-formation of the landmasses on the surface of the Earth between 20,000 and 10,000 years ago, I became familiar with the many details of those landmasses, and when I afterwards came across Kircher’s map of the Atlantic, with Atlantis in the middle of the ocean, I recognized its shape as one familiar to me.
I had, after all, not so long before, picked out the shapes of the continents and other landmasses – one point at a time, thousands of points altogether- to develop my own Earth- and sky-mapping software, with which I studied the Great Design and its message stored for mankind, or for whoever might come to Earth to study mankind, and who might find and read it.
One of the last large landmasses whose detailed ocean outline I plotted, was Greenland, and the similarity between Greenland and Insula Atlantis is substantial (see the accompanying illustration). To properly compare Greenland with Insula Atlantis, I only had to determine the actual size of Atlantis as seen on the Kircher map. This was easily done by comparing “Hispania” on the Kircher map with the Iberian peninsula on the actual globe; it is then a simple matter to scale Insula Atlantis to its appropriate size on the globe. When this is done, the comparison with Greenland is excellent, in both size and detailed shape.
I won’t here go into the many strands of evidence I found which positively established Greenland as the Atlantis of ancient legend. I am satisfied here mainly with showing the close comparison of the two, with just a few added points to be made. First, the Insula Atlantis of Kircher’s map is wider than Greenland. This is because the eastern portion of Atlantis was broken off, and became Iceland – to the southeast of Greenland today – and the islands of the United Kingdom, even further south and east.
And, as the accompanying illustration shows clearly, the lesser islands depicted between America and Atlantis on the Kircher map can be readily identified with the Florida peninsula – before it was attached to America – and the island of Hispaniola (the Dominican Republic and Haiti). The shoreline of America depicted on the Kircher map is not that of North America today, but from a time before the land east of the Appalachians was fixed onto the continent. Since Atlantis only “disappeared” – that is, it was moved north to the present position of Greenland, by the designers – around 9600 BC, this tells us North America was given its present shape, with Florida attached, only after that late date.
So the “gods” who re-formed the Earth’s landmasses did so at least as late as 9600 BC – actually, for more than a thousand years after that, as Egypt recorded its institution “by the goddess” as having occurred at about 8600 BC. Evidence for all of this is to be found in my book, “The End of the Mystery.” The larger scientific community and its followers, in choosing to ignore and dismiss observable design in the world, remains stuck just this side of the discovery of the Great Design of the “gods” – once, and now again, the single great wonder of the world.