Liason: Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber

Though Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber are about to reconnect with Lucky Spencer and Samantha McCall as supercouples L&L and JaSam on General Hospital, their fans still want a “Liason,” according to results in the latest polls from Soap Opera Digest and ABC Soaps In Depth as “Favorite Couple.”

“Jason and Liz share the best kind of love of all” said Latoya Guider. “The kind that started as a close friendship and blossomed into love. They know everything that is good, ugly and bad about each other. And yet they still love each other. Fans feel that Jason and Liz never got a real chance at being together. They have such amazing chemistry. What other couple do you know that can say more with a look than they could with any words? Fans see the connection they share on/off the screen and just want to see it fully explored.”

Results of a recent TV Guide Canada poll shows that a record of over 200,000 fans voted for both a Liason reunion and wedding. “Liason stands out because they upset the status quo” said Tracey Gee, who attended FALE (First Annual Liason Event) last fall in Chicago and the recent SALE (Second Annual Liason Event) this year in Las Vegas. “No one would expect these two people to fall in love. On paper some would say ‘they’re all wrong for each other’, but that’s part of their allure for me. As a couple, they create an interesting juxtaposition. They have built in drama just by being who they are (as characters). They don’t fit nicely into each others worlds; their lives clash. These types of pairings always stand out against the rest because they’re unusual … and odd… and intriguing.”

Back at the States, Liason fans made SOD‘s Campaign Trail, as they celebrate the birthday of little Jacob Martin, who turned two on May 4. Send to the magazine were candles and a picture of a cupcake and Jake’s “wish” that his parents and older brother Cameron [will live] under one roof” as a family.

“This couple is extremely underrated, underappreciated and underdeveloped because they’re what I call a smart couple” Tracey states. “I consider smart couples to be the ones whose charm mainly comes from their dialogue.

“The Jason & Elizabeth story was only partially told, so it’s difficult to say what it’s all about, but I think their story thus far is about two people – who on the surface are as different as night and day – coming together and falling in love, despite the odds. Their story should also be about standing up in the face of those odds and saying, ‘We’ve come this far together, we can go all the way together’. It’s about thumbing your nose at those who say a mother and a nurse shouldn’t fall in love with a gangster. It should also be about not making safe choices; it should be about following your heart, come what may. Those are the types of stories viewers want to see. In a world where there are rules and regulations about everything from parking your car to ordering a cappuccino, people need to be reminded that it’s okay to listen to your heart. It’s okay to break the rules. It’s okay to fall in love with people who are all wrong for you… on paper.”

Garrett Godwin

Garrett Godwin is an entertainment journalist, who writes for NewsBlaze about television and people in the entertainment industry, from his home state of Michigan. Contact Garrett by writing to NewsBlaze.