Lilia Mai Discusses Her Turn On’s and Who is the Stronger Sex

The highly acclaimed international singer Lilia Mai discusses her turn on’s, and who is the stronger sex, among more in this revealing interview with The Hollywood Sentinel, exclusively for NewsBlaze.

Lilia Mai-though a confessed ‘simple girl,’ was groomed for gold. Born in the rich, elegant city of St. Petersburg, The Empirical Capital of Russia; hers is a land deeply rich in history and the arts. From the classical canonical literature; to the classical musical giants, to the Master Work creators of art, and more, Her land was the home of the Hermitage Museum; the largest art and cultural museum in the world-begun by Russian Empress Catherine the Great. This enchanted land of St. Petersburg would greatly influence this rising young star at an early age.

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Image: Lilia Mai, Photo credit: Ekaterina Komarova, (c) 2017, 2018 Lilia Mai,

About Lilia Mai

Beginning singing at the mere age of four years old, the stunningly gifted chanteuse is breathtakingly as talented – as she is lovely to behold. Adoring classical Russian composers Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, as well as a large love of jazz, blues and American Pop music, Lilia Mai has a level of cultured sophistication well beyond her young 25 years of age. Professionally trained in singing, piano, dance, and speaking languages including fluent English, Russian, and Spanish.

An Exclusive Interview with Lilia Mai

Hollywood Sentinel (Bruce Edwin): What is your advice to aspiring singers?

Lilia Mai: Think a thousand times before you choose to be a singer, think of what you can give to the world. If you possess the power to create something that people need, if you are able to do something that has never been done before, and if you have enough confidence, then do it, let your soul shine to the world!

Being a singer means being a medicine for the soul. Music is a very powerful thing. It can heal and bring love, hope, tenderness, passion, beauty, romance, and happiness, but it can destroy someone’s soul as well. So, be responsible for what you bring to people’s hearts.

Inspire! Bring more art to everything you see, dream a lot, but create even more, stay faithful under any and all circumstances. Develop yourself in a professional, spiritual and physical way every single day. Be honest with yourself and be honest and emotional in your music. Embrace your life, share your love and energy with this world, help others, stay strong in your philosophy, stay kind, trust yourself fully, Love as much as you can. Love is everything and everything is meaningless without Love.

Hollywood Sentinel: Many people think that anyone can be a singer. Do you believe this is true? Why are why not?

Lilia Mai: Right-right, nothing is impossible, so, for example, I could be a plumber or a physicist then, what do you think? (Smiling) The question is if I would be a good plumber or a physicist, or a physician or so on (laughs). Frankly speaking, it’s all about your calling and destiny! Being a singer means being gifted. It means having a remarkable voice, an ear for music, a magnetic personality and charm, being smart and intelligent enough, being charismatic and passionate, to be in love with your job and be a real workaholic, because the talent is only two percent of success, all the rest is work. The Truth is that, the English language is one of the most melodic languages to sing in, itself sounds like a song already, it is so beautiful. So all the native English speakers are a bit singers already – that is true! (smiles).

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Image: Lilia Mai, photo credit: Elena Kalinina (c). 2017, 2018, Lilia Mai,

The Stronger Sex: Girls or Guys?

Hollywood Sentinel: Changing topics, who do you feel is the stronger sex, men or women? why?

Lilia Mai: Men have always been our defenders, the strongest sex. How could it possibly be different? It’s so natural to be weak in strong man’s hands … in the winner’s hands, because man is the winner.

Hollywood Sentinel: (laughs) I think your phone is going to start ringing off the hook right about now from all the guys out there (laughs)

Lilia Mai: (laughs) But how can we compare a Woman to a Man actually? How can we compare a man’s strength or a woman’s wisdom, a man’s confidence or a woman’s hope, a man’s passion or a woman’s tenderness, a man’s speed or a woman’s patience, a man’s heroism or a woman’s sacrifice, a man’s experience or a woman’s purity, a man’s determination or a woman’s humility, a man’s brain or a woman’s kindness? A woman and a man’s unity is an organic whole; for both can’t exist without each other.

Hollywood Sentinel: That’s great. Now here is another bit of a random question. Do you believe in angels? Why or why not? If so, what or who are they?

Lilia Mai: Yes, I believe in them. I can’t know for sure who they exactly are, but every day I do pray to God and His angels, and I ask them to guard the people I love. In Russia, the Orthodox Christianity is a traditional religion here again, which influences all the aspects of life here, where every single believer is said to be guarded by an Angel during their whole life. You know, before the Red Revolution, which happened in 1917, everyone used to celebrate the Day of Angel, and named children after Angel’s names.

Hollywood Sentinel: That’s fascinating.

Lilia Mai: Yes. Finally our country is slowly coming back to our traditions and religion. Also, some people on this planet are just like angels! Moreover, almost all the children in the world are like angels too, my little son is my true angel, that guards me and my soul!

Hollywood Sentinel: That’s sweet. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? What happened?

Lilia Mai: Yes, men go crazy about me, what can I do? I’m a “one-man woman,” but I’m only one while they are many. (Laughs). Those Who loved me are blessed, because it’s a blessing to know what love is and feel these emotions, that no one will ever forget for his lifetime. True love never breaks hearts, but enlightens and saves them. As I learned from my personal experience, even if your heart is broken, the only thing you wish is the happiness of the one you love.

“men go crazy about me, what can I do? I’m a ‘one-man woman,’ but I’m only one while they are many.” –Lilia Mai

Hollywood Sentinel: (laughs) Have you had your heart broken? How did you recover?

Lilia Mai: I’m like a butterfly flying to the flame. I loved blindly, unconditionally, I loved with no claims and was too shy even to tell how much I loved. A loving heart doesn’t demand anything, a loving heart is never tired of waiting, a loving heart is kind, it has neither envy nor high opinion of itself, a loving heart has no pride, a loving heart forgives everything, it is not jealous, it does not keep a record of wrongs, a loving heart never gives up. I’m grateful for having realized what true love is.

Hollywood Sentinel: Lovely. What turns you on?

Lilia Mai: Strong and true feelings between each other can bring a couple to mutual ecstasy, mutual euphoria, if you understand what I’m talking about. Those who need to know already know – it’s beautiful!

Listen to Lilia Mai’s critically acclaimed song and watch her beautiful video for “Flying In My Dreams” here below:

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