From his 25 years of pastoral experience, the author has written an easy to read and understand guide to help pastors and professionals prepare to do crisis counseling. With all the traumatic events that are happening in the world pastors and counselors need to have additional tools to help their congregation or those they are caring for.
He skillfully describes different types of crisis, as well as crisis in the Bible. His chapter on grief is well defined and discusses how the grief process works. He stresses that grief is not easy to define, as it depends on the event and the individual. I particularly liked the way he addressed symptoms of crisis from loss of sleep to losing items to avoiding all past activities and friends.
Another chapter addressed views of God when trauma happens. We all believe God is loving and caring and would not want us to suffer. So when something terrible happens we question why God would let this happen and often, we try to bargain with him.
His information on intervention strategies were very information. One of the things that many of us were taught is try not to talk about tragedy with the grieving individual. Mr. Floyd states that it is important for these individuals to address what their initial reaction was or what emotions they are feeling. This isn’t a safe area- but it is one that needs to be addressed. The author relates that all individuals are affected by emotions should be able to address emotions at their own pace as it is a step toward recovery.
Mr. Floyd covers how to work with children, adolescents and at the end he provides a reference for the Biblical quotes.
Crisis Counseling
A Guide for Pastors and Professionals
Scott Floyd
Kregal Publications
P.O. Box 2607
Grand Rapids, MI 49501
ISBN: 0825425883
A Must Have
5 Stars