
Why You Need To Have A Laptop Stand If You Are Sitting Behind A Desk All Day Long

If you are currently working at a job that requires you to be on a laptop for extended hours, you know how difficult this...

High-Backed vs. Low-Backed Manual Wheelchairs

Wheelchair backs are designed differently to suit individual needs. An important aspect about backs that are used on manual wheelchairs is the height. You...

Google’s NASA AI Drone Races Against Human Pilot

Google's artificial intelligence-powered drone is slower but steadier than a human pilot. That was the lesson learned Oct. 12 after renowned drone pilot Ken Loo...

Apple Reveals Internet’s Most Popular Emoji

Apple revealed the most popular emoji in a paper discussing the need to protect user privacy. In the paper, Apple showed a graph which...

The U.S.’s Updated Guidelines on Self-Driving Cars Worries Safety Advocates

The U.S. government issued updated guidelines on self-driving vehicle technologies on Tuesday, but safety advocates fear the lenient approach may create a safety hazard. Elaine...


