Examining the Recent Changes in Liposuction Technology

As one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries, liposuction has been used to change and alter people’s appearance for many years. While it may seem that there is nothing new about this procedure, the methods used and the capabilities of the procedure have come a long way. Developed in the early 1970’s, liposuction is far from being the scary fat removal process it once was.

Initially, the procedure was associated with a lot of blood loss but today’s tumescent technique minimizes the possibility of excessive bleeding through the use of a local anesthetic called epinephrine. According to many reputable plastic surgeons, this dry technique has the biggest impact on the fat loss procedure and is much less painful than traditional liposuction.

Laser Liposuction is Being Used to Tighten the Skin

There was a time when, soon after undergoing liposuction, fat could easily creep back into the body. Today’s laser liposuction technology not only treats cellulite but also tightens the skin. There are many assisted liposuction techniques that dislodge fat easily in order to prevent trauma and bleeding. For example, power liposuction adds vibration to the procedure to ensure that any loose skin is tightened. VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) selectively burns the fat to ensure that the skin’s collagen is not damaged.

laser technology.Patients Do Not Need Surgery Anymore

As studies have proven, all surgeries come with involved risks as well as recovery downtime. However, non-surgical fat removal liposuction techniques such as laser and radiofrequency energy have proven that fat can dissolve with the use of laser beams or consistent injections. Large quantities of fat are physically removed as a result of non-invasive procedures. As such, no recovery time is needed.

Patients Have More Access to Liposuction Treatments Thanks to Mobile Applications

Whether patients want to find a good cosmetic doctor or get access to more reliable information on the procedure, application services like Zwivel (click here to read more about the application) allow them to do that at the touch of a button. Zwivel and other applications allow users to get expert opinions from doctors, book appointments and secure multiple treatment options, which allows them access to more liposuction professionals in their area.

Liposuction Can Be Performed on Individual Body Locations

As a tailor-made procedure, liposuction can be performed on the belly, neck, arms and other areas of the body. The use of different liposuction cannulas has made the procedure more flexible and has allowed patients to determine where they want to get liposuction without affecting other parts of their bodies.


While there have been numerous advancements in liposuction technology, experts remind that anyone who intends to undergo this kind of cosmetic surgery should take the technique and experience of the doctor into consideration. Board certified plastic surgeons should always be prioritized when choosing a doctor to perform liposuction. We can expect more changes to be introduced in the field of liposuction in the coming years, making the procedure easier, less costly, and most importantly, much safer for patients.