Real Estate

Moving Long Distances: Helpful or Hurtful In This Economy?

Moving long distances in today's economy is a multifaceted decision that carries both potential benefits and drawbacks. The decision to relocate, often influenced by...

HUD Fiscal Year 2024 Budget Aims to Enhance Affordable Housing and Homeownership

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development released the HUD fiscal year 2024 budget proposal, which lays out a comprehensive plan to address the country's housing crisis, reduce inequality, and enhance affordability and accessibility of housing.

Oakville Apartment Building Tenants Fear for Future as Developer Plans to Demolish and Redevelop

The planned redevelopment of a low-rise apartment building in Oakville leaves existing tenants feeling uncertain about their future, with concerns over affordable housing options...

3 Real Estate Trends for Buying Investment Properties in 2023

If you're planning to begin your foray into buying investment properties next year or intend to add to your existing portfolio of rental units,...

Should I Turn My Home Into A Short-Term Rental

Many people have turned their homes and properties into short-term rentals. With many different hosting sites, the most popular being Airbnb, more and more...


