How to Create Professional Business Videos Without Spending a Fortune

Videos can be a powerful business tool, whether they be informational, promotional, or educational. A Renderforest survey found that 78 percent of users got more traffic to their website using videos and 71 percent of respondents said their videos increased the average time visitors spent on their website. Videos help marketers get 66 percent more qualified leads. As great as video marketing can be, though, it can also be quite costly.

When you add up the cost of a camera, lights, and other production equipment, the cost of the talent, the cost of the amount of time it takes to do any edits, revisions, re-films, and so on, the price of creating and publishing a marketing video can get quite high and may not be worth the ROI. Still, there’s no denying the value that using videos in marketing has, so if you want to create professional business videos without spending a fortune, check out the tips below.

  1. Brainstorm Ideas and Draft an Outline

Before pulling out the camera, the first thing you should do is sit down, brainstorm ideas, and then draft an outline once you’ve come up with an idea you can agree on with others, if applicable, and can turn into a full concept. Your outline should be written down on paper or typed somewhere on the computer so that you can refer back to it and use it as a guide. It’s easy to forget things or get sidetracked if you don’t have a good outline to reference.

  1. Write, Re-Write, and Practice a Script

Once you’ve come up with your outline, there’s more writing that needs to be done. Whether you do it yourself or have an eloquent employee do the writing, it’s time to come up with a script. The script should be written, reviewed, and re-written, then practiced as many times over to ensure that it flows smoothly and is ready to go when it’s time to film.

  1. Use Employees When Possible, or Find Affordable Freelancers

The cost of hiring talent can be high, but if you have some camera-friendly employees, you can save some of the talent cost. It may take a few practice runs if they’re not comfortable in front of the camera right off the bat, but they should get the hang of it quickly. If there’s not anyone willing or able to be the face in your videos, then you may need to find a freelancer. Luckily, there are plenty of freelance websites out there that you can use to find one who fits your price and your needs.

  1. Invest in a Good Camera and Background and Lighting Equipment

To produce a quality video, you will need quality equipment. Luckily, a quality camera is more affordable than it used to be, and depending on the phone you have, you may even be able to get away with filming your videos right there on your device. In addition to a good camera, you’ll want to invest in some good lighting equipment and even a backdrop that you can consistently use over and over. Although there are some expensive ones out there, you can get quality equipment for a bargain as well.

  1. Get a Few Different Takes

While it would be great to do one run and be done, it’s a good idea to get a few different takes. While one take may be better than another, you can also use different parts of different takes to help you put together the perfect video. Even minor differences can impact the final product, so having a few options to work with is a good idea and will help you ensure that you put together the perfect video instead of having to go back and re-film if the final product doesn’t work out how you had hoped.

  1. Make Edits and Additions in Professional Editing Software

Ever wonder: what do YouTubers use to edit for free? While some videographers pay for software, there are plenty who use free software to help them put the finishing touches on their videos before publishing them. Whether you want to add text over certain parts or cut and splice scenes, finding a free but professional editing software will help you complete your video the way you want it and get it ready to be released to the public.

  1. Get Input and Approval from Executives and Directors

Before publishing your video, it’s a good idea to get input and approval from executives and directors. If you were to release a video that one of the higher-ups didn’t like or that had information you didn’t know was outdated or not to be released yet, it could cost you a lot in both time and effort to recall the video and start over before releasing a new one. Getting input in advance will let you make any additional changes needed and correct any faux-pas before it’s released to ensure that it’s fully ready to go.

  1. Consider Getting Consumer Feedback

The consumer plays an important role in business. Did you know that companies that offer some of the best customer experiences can increase revenue four to eight percent higher than others in the market? By getting consumer feedback when possible or applicable, you can save yourself money on your video by ensuring it will be well received by your target audience and does not cause any offense or have any other issues before it’s released to the general public.

Final Thoughts

Videos are a great business tool, but they can be expensive to create. Luckily, there are a few different things that you can do, like using employees and free editing software, to keep costs low while still producing a professional, quality video. What are some other areas in which you can save on costs but still put out a quality product?

Melissa Thompson

Melissa Thompson writes about a wide range of topics, revealing interesting things we didn’t know before. She is a freelance USA Today producer, and a Technorati contributor.