
Judge Kavanaugh says Concealed Carry Is Not A Right – NRA Lawyer Says He’s Wrong

Last week, during his confirmation hearing to become a justice of the United States Supreme Court, Judge Kavanaugh was questioned about the Second Amendment...

Stand Your Ground Turns Criminal Law On Its Head

Gun crimes continue to be a problem and a sore spot for law enforcement and political opportunists in the country. Guns, the tools of...

How to Select a Lawyer for Your Medical Negligence Claim

It sounds like you need a good medical negligence attorney. Choosing the right one for this type of claim involves much more than identifying a lawyer who has a solid reputation.

Saving A Dog Shouldn’t Be A Crime

Earlier this month, it was reported by Fox News that an Ohio man was facing criminal charges after attempting to save a dog and...

Why Are Gun-Rights Lawyers Hiding From 9th Circuit Open Carry Decision?

It has been three weeks since a three-judge panel published a decision in Young v. Hawaii which held that the right to openly carry...


