Innovator from Oregon Invents ‘Bit-Blocks’ for Kids

Kids love to build things, experimenting with ideas and expanding their imagination. Sometimes physical constraints limit what they can do. Now, thanks to an innovator in Oregon, those limitations have gone. Kids can now have fun with blocks that build in all directions, using “Bit-Blocks” – toy building blocks with one design, and infinite possibilities!

Playcraft, LLC announced its founder Will Petillo of Portland, Oregon, has created the new design in building blocks for kids that would allow them building in 3 dimensions instead of the more traditional blocks stacking one on top of the other.

“Bit-Blocks share in some of the strengths of video games and really shine in the areas where video games are weak,” says Petillo in his interview with NewsBlaze. “The ability to build anything really gives one a feeling of control.”

bit blocks inventor will petillo
Bit Blocks Inventor, Will Petillo

In addition to building in all directions, Bit-Blocks also have tunnels going through them; thus letting kids add support beams to their block structures. This can also be combined with finishing blocks for a smooth outer surface.

The innovator traces his motivation for creating Bit-Blocks to his childhood when he enjoyed playing with toy blocks.

“The freedom to build a world from my imagination, and then tell its story, made it the perfect toy,” he says about toy blocks.

Petillo has now launched his Kickstarter campaign that aims to raise $45,000 in 30 days. The project is active on the Kickstarter website from October 4th to November 3rd, 2013.

There is much more in-depth information about how Bit-Blocks were created, at Bit-Blocks Kickstarter. Backers receive rewards based on their pledge level. Rewards include sets of blocks in a range of sizes (Mini, Basic, Advanced, or Epic). Backers can also make a small donation simply to help the project succeed, or a large donation, and get limited edition rewards.

About Bit-Blocks Inventor

Will Petillo, 27, is based in Portland, Oregon. Petillo went to Whitman College and majored in History, with an emphasis on Medieval Europe. He has also been involved in the Fencing Club, Medieval Society, and Renaissance Faire Planning Committee while finishing the Paralegal Program at the Portland Community College. He has worked for over two years at an Intellectual Property law firm. Aiming at further studies focusing on a combination of mechanical and electrical engineering, he is currently working on creative design projects.


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