How Does Your Company Get on Yahoo’s Front Page?

The editors and writers at NewsBlaze have been trying to figure something out. How is it that one of our stories can have 20 yahoo Buzz’s, but Yahoo’s own story with only one buzz gets on the front page, while ours never do?

Buzz is now popping up a box to tell you that your action there is helping to determine what other people see, even though they continue to promote their own stories and not the stories we vote on.

Here are some examples from Google’s front page.

Was the Flash Crash Apple’s Fault? Submitted around 1:30, but only had 8 buzzes at 2:10.

Multi-task with these apps on the new iPhone – submitted around 10am, but 3 hours ago only had 14 votes.

Another good example is “Obama’s Double Bind” by the Washington Post. It was made popular 1 hour ago, is on the front page, yet it only has 5 votes now, so how many votes did it have an hour ago when it was made popular?

Inquiring minds want to know. If you have any tips, tricks or thoughts, we’d love to hear them. Please email us at [email protected].

Rose M. Garland

Rose M. Garland, a successful graduate from the school of hard knocks, in the US foster care system, writes a daily blog to faithful readers about emotional self-help. As an editor, Rose catches those little slips that writers often make, so readers don’t have to!