A Monster survey poll recently discovered that an amazing 76% of Americans don’t like Sunday night. It makes them very blue.
According to Laura Vanderkam, author of the book “What the Most Successful People Do on the Weekend,” even people with successful careers that they look forward to getting back to on Monday feel heightened worry as they prepare to go back to the inevitable stresses of their jobs.
But there are coping strategies that the most successful people use to keep Sunday evening from ending on a sour note of anxiety and be ready to meet the challenges of the coming work week.
Here are 12 ways people outstanding in their field and career handle the Sunday night blues:
They know the importance of sharing quality time.
Successful people know their weeks will be jammed and that they are likely to be unavailable, says Brett Baughman, a career coach and creator of the Master the Masses Coaching Alliance. So they make the most of their Sunday nights by spending time with their loved ones.
Something fun is planned.
Vanderkam says this is probably the key to a good Sunday evening. Plan simple get-togethers with friends or family — a potluck or takeout. Save that special DVD you’ve been aching to watch until Sunday night — and make sure you’ve got plenty of good, nutritional snacks to nosh on while watching. Don’t go to bed with a stomach ache. Or go out someplace to eat — don’t try a new place, since it might disappoint; but go somewhere that you know is going to be good.
If you feel ambitious join a Sunday night bowling league or curling club — or schedule an hour at the spa.
Plan ahead
Career coach Marsha Egan suggests taking the bull by the horns and actually sit down and plan out your week on Sunday night — as long as it doesn’t unduly stress you out. That way you know when you wake up Monday morning you won’t have that wild moment of dismay when you think “I don’t have a plan for this week yet!”
Successful people exercise
Egan is all for people talking a stroll on Sunday evening, or go to the gym for a swim. But not too much of a workout; otherwise you’ll have trouble getting to sleep.
In her book Vanderkam says that reality TV producer Aliza Rosen does a yoga session every Sunday night at 6. She told Vanderkam that it sweats out the toxins and helps her to get centered to begin the race all over again on Monday.
They don’t stop eating healthy on the weekend
There really never is a good time to binge, but especially on a weekend. You need the time to relax and then refocus, if you want to succeed in your chosen career path. Successful people don’t break out the wine on Sunday night. Instead, says Urban Balance CEO Joyce Marter, they enjoy some herbal tea or seltzer water with lemon. Alcohol is a depressant, after all, and isn’t going to do anything but increase your Sunday night worry warts.
Read any good books lately?
Leaders are readers. Sunday evening is the perfect time to catch up on neglected reading. . Whether as part of a flexible MBA program or just for fun, the act of reading itself is what counts.
Catch up on the personal emails
Before the mad, mad world starts again on Monday, successful people take some time to answer personal emails and texts, letting their family and friends know that no matter how busy they are during the week they are thinking of them on Sunday evening.
Then unplug
Career expert Michael Kerr says that really successful people learn to unplug completely before going to bed, especially on Sunday night. Work is the last thing on their minds as they get ready for bed. Whatever the internet has up its sleeve for you on Sunday night, it can wait until Monday morning to be attended to.
They chillax.
Sunday evening is a good time to just sit back and relax; don’t plan anything for an hour or two on Sunday night — instead, just sit still and become reacquainted with your memories of the past week, or look up a few of those old daydreams you used to hang out with. Make a mental list of the good things in your life — and dwell on them for a while.
Try volunteering.
Vanderkam says in her book that successful people often spend time on weekends, including Sunday night, doing volunteer work at local charities and NGOs. It’s a great way to keep a sane perspective on your own problems and stresses, when you compare them to what some other people are going through.
Make a record
Journaling is an excellent way to gain insight on your life, motivation, and goals. An hour spent on Sunday night writing down what’s been happening in your physical, spiritual, and career life can help you take a long look at yourself and decide what needs criticism and change, and what deserves praise.
Behavior professor James Campbell-Quick of the University of Texas at Arlington told Huffington Post recently that self-examination, when done in a positive manner, is a needful catharsis that can make us more self-accepting.
Look up, not down.
Ph.D Michael Woodward, in his book “The YOU Plan,” writes that no matter what happens, Monday will come. So instead of fretting about it, give yourself an inner hug and look up to the stars — because they will always be there shining on you one way or another.

Featured image credit: Tim Lucas