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Krzys Wasilewski

Krzys Wasilewski

Krzys Wasilewski, while living in Poland, completing his masters degree in International Relations, was seduced by English Literature.

How Much Does It Cost to Join The European Union?

Several days ago its foreign affairs minister said in public that his country would agree on Turkey's accession only after it pays Bulgaria 20 billion US dollars.
europe-2 by 400286 on pixabay

When Miley Cyrus Meets Roman Polanski

In less than a year Miley Cyrus aka Hannah Montana turned from a Walt Disney icon to a dream girl of teenage and older boys. But her story only slightly resembles the Ugly Duckling.

Crisis: America’s Secret Success Plan

The current economic crisis has not only undermined America's financial credibility but also put her moral leadership in a serious doubt.

United Nations – Silent Accomplice in Genocide

The official history claims that the genocide, like tsunamis or tornadoes, could have neither be predicted nor prevented. The man who led the U.N. contingent in Rwanda disagrees.

Religious Wars Still Kill

Toleration has become the religion of modern times. But not everywhere.

Al Tukker To Promote His Books

Albert Samuel Tukker, the author of The Rage and From the Attic, will promote his latest work, Pole Shift, on November 16, 2008, at Little King in the Old Market, in Omaha, Nebraska.

Vatican Finances Surviving World Financial Crisis

It pales in comparison with almost $14 trillion that constitute the gross domestic product of the United States, but as for an institution dependent on individual donations it cannot be ignored.

Meltdown in Iceland

The financial virus developed on Wall Street is spreading. After driving many American banks to bankruptcy or nationalization, it has gone overseas.

Will the Crisis Save Our Souls?

Harmful as it appears, the current financial crisis may eventually prove to be a blessing in disguise.

Rabbi Teaching Catholic Bishops

It was Pope Benedict XVI who angered Jewish communities by reintroducing to the canon the prayer for the 'conversion of Jews.'

Holocaust of Indian Christians

Thousands of men, women, and children dragged from churches and slashed. This has been India's reality for the last four weeks.

Heavenly Energy Warms Vatican

Three years in power and Pope Benedict XVI has turned the Vatican into the most environmentally friendly country on earth.

Ban Bus Drives Through Europe

The Sofia Conference was held in anticipation of the Oslo agreement which bans cluster munitions and is expected to be signed this December.

On the Verge of Socialism

The Bush Administration should be praised for saving the day and bailing out near-bankrupt banks and other financial institutions.
The Pope's twitter account.

The Pope Turns to the Internet

That Pope Benedict XVI is not as withdrawn as the media often portrays him could be seen last July by thousands of young people when they met him in Sydney during World Youth Day.

Lessons From the Olympics: The Untold Stories

Such athletes as Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, or Yelena Isinbayeva have already inscribed their names in sports almanacs. But there are other heroes whose achievements deserve even greater applause.

Russia Hopes to Build Relationship with Obama

This is the scenario written by the Kremlin which sees in the Democratic senator a guarantee that the United States will not oppose Russia`s imperial foreign policy.

Russia and Accusations of War Crimes Mounting

Pictures from embattled Gori and other Georgian cities confirm the reports that the Russian air force had repeatedly targeted non-military sites, killing tens of civilians.

Russian Hackers Attacking: Georgia Fighting a Cyber War

In the early hours of Saturday, news websites registered on Georgian servers either stopped working or presented false information.

Is the Georgian War as Important to G.W. Bush: No Oil...

In the last months of his presidency, George W. Bush faces the most serious problem since 9/11 as Georgia becomes a litmus test for America`s resolve to protect the free world.

