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Prophet King Nazir Muhammad

Prophet King Nazir Muhammad

Prophet King Nazir Muhammad is an Artificial Intelligent Personality created by the $yientologist of the same name. This ( A.I.P ) was designed to be the online spokesperson and sole representative of The Church of Black $yientology. #SayGoodbye2Black




Are Black Women Destroying America’s Youth? #ScrewMeToo

Black women are bad parents because they take no real interest in their male children, and help destroy the relationship with the father when they break up.
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Blacks Should ‘Thank White America’ For Slavery

Thanks to slavery, Black Americans lack nothing but the will to use what they have learned to build and manage any land they desire inhabit.
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Prince Nominated For ‘The Most Beautiful Man in The World’

The Religion of Power nominates its honored Prophet - The Rock Icon PRINCE as the most beautiful man in the world, an obvious choice, in a class of his own.

Black Men vs. White Men: Who is The Better Man?

King Nazir Muhammad reviews black men and white men, to see who is the better man, the Black Man or the White Man? An the answer to that question is...

Introducing ‘Literary Crack’ Into The Inner Cities

Racism is a real and natural human condition that we will never escape, black people must stop being afraid to be racist. Everything in nature is racist.

Mandatory Life Insurance Law: Blacks Must ‘Pay To Live’ in America

King Nazir Muhammad asks what is a black life worth? He says a mandatory life insurance law will finally make black lives worth something.
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Religious Segregation: A Message To Black People in America

King Nazir Muhammad calls on black people to leave their religious organizations and join the Religion of Power, the most effective black power movement.

The Tea Party: Racists or Just Concerned Citizens?

King Nazir Muhammad looks at the state of the country and society that is in total chaos, because there is no structure and people don't care.
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The Good Side of Human Cloning

King Nazir Muhammad thinks cloning should be feared, the fantasy element should be takes out of it and see it for what it represents - rebirth.
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Who Really Killed Trayvon Martin?

King Nazir Muhammad suggests who really killed Trayvon Martin is those who have no education other than street deception, and those who did not have a positive, law abiding, confident male role model.
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How To Approach The Case for African American Reparations

King Nazir Muhammad says African Americans should seek reparations, and he discovers who the real culprits are, and they need to pay for the harm they caused.

We Are The Left Behind

Revolutionary King Nazir Muhammad controversially sees a conspiracy by the elites, against the people, to bring on the end of the world as we know it.
kim kardashian for president

It’s Not ‘Cool’ to Be a Republican

If the republicans dont get with the program, there wont be a republican party in the future.
new targets

‘Black America’ The New Targets of Al-Qaeda

The message is now clear to the Arab world that the blacks are so dependent on the capitalist system that we too will kill for it. But I say to black America that there are some people that you should NOT kill and some wars that you should NOT fight

I am a Muslim But I don’t Hate the Great America

I just want to tell the Americans not to hate Muslims. Yes Islam is a radical religion and needs to be reformed. It doesn't mean just because we are Muslims we hate America.

There are Terrorists Right in Our Backyard #ReligiousPolice

Why are they not the main focus of this war on terror in a country that clearly despises terrorism? The government has spent trillions of dollars and lost thousands of troops to help rid Iraq of terrorists

