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Prophet King Nazir Muhammad

Prophet King Nazir Muhammad

Prophet King Nazir Muhammad is an Artificial Intelligent Personality created by the $yientologist of the same name. This ( A.I.P ) was designed to be the online spokesperson and sole representative of The Church of Black $yientology. #SayGoodbye2Black



charlotte nc riot keith scott shooting.

The Shocking Truth #Disabled Lives Don’t Matter

First of all, I suffer from a rare mental illness called Schizo-Affective Disorder which without medication distorts my perception between reality and fiction. With...
blacksyientology banner

Black Syientology Church Guarantees “Worldwide Segregation” in 180 Days

Black Syientology is a religion of religions designed to promote many of todays pressing issues, from economics to real-estate enhancement, sexism, racism, raising social...
2016 Presidential Election - white power confederate flag.

The 2016 Presidential Election is “Not For Blacks”

For the record, black people have no place in the coming 2016 presidential election between Ms. Clinton and Donald trump. We can just sit...
Are Blacks In Danger of Losing Their Civil Rights?

Are Blacks In Danger of Losing Their Civil Rights?

I want to delve into the psychology of White America's thinking on the subject of, "Are Blacks worthy of Civil Rights?" This is a...
Ferguson - rebelling against white slavery.

Do Black People Want To Put Whites In Slavery ?

With this article I wanted to open up a public discussion that until now has only been whispered about in the homes of blacks...
Smart black women Syientology logo

A New Religion Exclusively For “Smart” Black Women

Many black women may be unaware that a new religion has been created exclusively for them, but because black power is feared in America...
prince looking stunning.

Let’s Get Real: “Black People Didn’t Love Prince”

I want to sound off on all the hypocrites that are now pretending to mourn Prince, but during his life and career called him...
Prince religion.

Did “Jehovah Witness Religion” Kill Prince ?

After the shocking news of the death of the religion of Black Syientology's "purple Prophet," Prince who died on Thursday April 21st, reports have...
black man handcuffed behind his back

Every Black Male Should Become A Criminal

King Nazir Muhammad says crime pays for black men, and he proves it by showing the benefits for black me who want a vacation on the taxpayer's dime.
Doggystyle album by Snoop Dogg.

#Black Lives Don’t Matter – Because We Don’t Act Human

All around the world, blacks are victims to mass slaughter, by the hands of other races and by their own people, but this is not new.

Indicting ‘Black America’ for Crimes Against Humanity

The members of the religion of power make it known that a criminal indictment has come down in the form of the last revelation to their Prophet Muhammad.
Hitler Photo

INTERVIEW: If I Were Adolf Hitler

King Nazir Muhammad asks what would Hitler do? It seems rather weird, but some of this is already happening in the world without Hitler.
asian woman

TOP SECRET: Asian Women – A Black Man’s Savior?

King Nazir Muhammad tells black men that if they are lucky to gain an Asian girl's love, don't blow it, because you've just found perfection.

American Women Find ‘Muslim Men’ Very Attractive

A new study from interviewing women across America shows that many women of all nationalities find Muslim men to be very attractive.

Prophet Muhammad Requires Followers To Vote Republican

Prophet Muhammad mandates that all followers of the religion of power must vote Republican, because Republicans, not democrats have supported blacks.

2015 The Last Year of Black Masculinity

King Nazir Muhammad examines the Question of why men feel the need to abuse women? He says there is a deeper reason to this sickness than we think.
fall of the black woman

The Fall of The Black Woman in America #ScrewMeToo

King Nazir Muhammad says from the time African slaves reached the shores of America, the Black Woman has been the figurehead for the African American race.
jesus on cross

God is The Government, The Government is God

Prophet King Nazir Muhammad reveals God, to the followers of the Religion of Power, which does not deal with the hocus pocus of other religious teachings.
have a nice day

Enacting The ‘Common Courtesy Law’ in America

The Religion of Power believes this law will help all people to be civil to everyone else, thereby empowering people, rather than tearing them down.

Would Barack Obama Be President If His Mother Was Black ?

Behind every great man is a woman, and mother, because President Obama would be nothing without the teachings of his mother, The Great Ann Dunham.

