Robert Hitchcox


Robert Hitchcox is a playwright, critic and fiction author, who reviews live theatre.

Exclusive articles:

The Big Bang is Explosively Humorous

Thus, the apartment itself became the costume department. Drapes, curtains, bar supplies, and much, much more became the costumes. You'll be surprised how unique tee shirts can be.

In The Blood; a Serious Look At The Invisibles

GB Productions, know for giving new writing and acting talent their start, also likes the bring some very serious stories to their audiences.

A Number Thought Provoking Theatre

What is truth? Is there truth? Ask the Bernards and Michael and Salter in Caryl Churchill's haunting A Number, the current offering at Cygnet.

Corpus Christi – A New Telling

Normally when the theatre doors open you see a curtain or a darkened stage. When Diversionary Theatre doors open the 13-member cast are busy setting the stage.

Barefoot in The Park Still Funny At 44

Newlyweds Corie and Paul Bratter (Michelle Burkhart and Joseph Baker) are moving into their new apartment after a six-day honeymoon at the Plaza Hotel.


Heat Sealers Provide Secure and Efficient Packaging Solutions

Packaging plays a crucial role in protecting products during storage and transportation, aided by heat sealers.

How Cloud-based Tools Enhance Collaboration Across Partner Ecosystems

In today's interconnected business landscape, effective collaboration across partner...

We Must Finally Say Farewell To The UN

The United Nations Organization (UN) headquarters building stands tall...

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel

The Red Cross AWOL On Israel AWOL means, 'Absent Without...