Home Authors Posts by Robert Hitchcox

Robert Hitchcox

Robert Hitchcox

Robert Hitchcox is a playwright, critic and fiction author, who reviews live theatre.


A Number Thought Provoking Theatre

What is truth? Is there truth? Ask the Bernards and Michael and Salter in Caryl Churchill's haunting A Number, the current offering at Cygnet.

Corpus Christi – A New Telling

Normally when the theatre doors open you see a curtain or a darkened stage. When Diversionary Theatre doors open the 13-member cast are busy setting the stage.

Barefoot in The Park Still Funny At 44

Newlyweds Corie and Paul Bratter (Michelle Burkhart and Joseph Baker) are moving into their new apartment after a six-day honeymoon at the Plaza Hotel.

Hysterical Blindness – don’t be blindsided

We're in the bar in Bayonne, New Jersey. That's across the river from Brooklyn and south of Manhattan. It's a dive called Oliver's. These two broads come in.

Prelude to a Kiss – Kiss a stranger?

At the wedding, a stranger, an old man (Charlie Riendeau) sits to the side sipping champagne. He kisses the bride and soon departs.

A Little Night Music – Great Theatre

Going to the Old Town Theatre is like visiting an old friend. Great sight lines, nice stage, tiny lobby, and, well, the restrooms are inadequate.

The Bluebonnet Court Austin, Texas Finest

If you traveled in the States prior to the 60s, you probably stayed at small roadside motel quite similar to the Bluebonnet Court. If it had a neon sign, it wasn't working properly.

Orange Flower Water – The Taste of Desire

Entering through the audience to the stage two sets of newly weds sit on opposite sides of the stage. Center stage, canted at a slight angle is a bed, a bed that tells many stories.

Black Coffee Luke Warm

Agatha Christie's Black Coffee turns 78 this year. It was her first play, later turned into the novel, 'Le Coffret de Jaque' aka Lackered Box (English spelling for Lacquered Box).

Cubbies Beach Bums Rule OnStage

Bleacher Bums is a fun production. Probably much too short for the die hard sports fan and a bit too long for the person that doesn't know a hard ball from a soft ball.

Rabbit Hole Painfully Possible

Howie and Becca's home is lived in, is comfortable, is convenient, and there is something terribly wrong. The humor is forced. It is as though they are wearing masks.

Just Who is Hedda Gabler?

Is she Ibsen's female Hamlet? An idealistic heroine fighting society? A victim of circumstances? A prototypical feminist? A manipulative villain?

Proof is a Formula for Success

Black portrays a strong-willed, take-charge woman that literally dictates to her sister what she will and will not do with the rest of her life.

Watch out for this Rollergirl

Rhubarb or How to Play with a Rollergirl, the current offering by Moxie Theatre, is playing at The Space of Lyceum Theatre in Horton Plaza.

A Shayna Maidel holds audience in awe

These two strangers are brought together in 1946 and live in Rose's small apartment. Revealed over the rest of the play is the history of the Weiss family and friends.

‘A Swell Party!’ sure is.

STAR San Diego and the Adult Theatre Performance Class of San Diego Continuing Education certainly did give A Swell Party in the theatre at EEC.

The Seven AKA Aeschylus’ Seven Against Thebes

Warning: Get to the Sheila and Hughes Potiker Theatre at La Jolla Playhouse early. Pick up your program immediately and turn to page P7, sit down and read.

Variety of Shorts at North Park Vaudeville

The downside, of course, is that the opportunity for brand-new, untested talent was not showcased. The upside, of course, is higher production quality. More later.

Death & Taxes – Twits Try to Solve a Murder Case

Prolific playwright Cook, with over 125 published plays, has written 24 whodunit murder mysteries. The playwright has merged satire, farce, and several other genres of humor in Death and Taxes.

The Pillowman – Hard Hitting, Dark Winner

Author Katurian is being interviewed by a police detective, good cop Tupolski (Matt Scott), and violent bad cop Ariel (Jamie Effros) about the murder of some young children.

