Cookie Curci


Cookie Curci is an experienced freelance writer, born and raised in San Jose, California. Cookie writes syndicated columns across the country, and wrote a “Remember When” column for The Willow Glen Resident for 15 years. Her work has been published in 15 Chicken Soup for The Soul books, and in the series of “Mother’s Miracle” books ( Morrow books).

She has a short story in the new book “ELVIS”, Live at the Sahara Tahoe; has been published in San Francisco Chronicle, San Jose Mercury news, Woman’s World, Primo magazine, Mature Living, and many websites.

Cookie is currently writing for several Italian American newspapers and magazines, they include LaVoce Las Vegas, Amici Journal, L’italo Americano, Life in Italy and Italiansrus.

Exclusive articles:

“Lady Liberty” … Are We Expecting Too Much From This Inspiring, Stalwart Icon

The Statue of Liberty stands 151 feet, 1 inch high and weighs 225 tons. The length of her right arm is 42 feet long,...

“Remembering When” – The Willow Glen Resident

Writing is something most all of us can do, but to be successful at it is not so easy. I'm often asked for advice...

The Garage Sale, It’s Fun and Failures

For American households, the ritual of the garage sale has become the yearly rite of spring. As an accepted part of modern-day culture, the...

Crowded TV Show Like My Family in Their Early Years

Crowded, the new TV show reminds me of my own family situation in our early years. In the comedy, Crowded, life is crazy with...

The Love And Lure Of Baseball

Spring has sprung. The crack of the bat and the pop of leather can be heard echoing through every hometown ballpark across the country,...


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The 2-State-Solution: Dead and Cannot Be Revived

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Glazed Skylight: A Stylish and Functional Roofing Solution

Today, glazed skylights are a common feature in residences across Australia, offering both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits.

How to Keep Cockroaches Out of Homes This Summer

As summer temperatures rise, household pests become a growing concern. Warmer weather and humidity create ideal breeding conditions for cockroaches, making them one of the most common infestations in homes and offices.