Israel: Let Us Say It As It Is

Will people please stop talking about “pressure?” Is it an excuse for possibly another agenda, whatever that is? If a man, more correctly a leader of a country, has no courage and strength to stand up to US and EU pressure, then he must not be the Prime Minister of Israel. Netanyahu has one tool he should use and he does not: The Jewish people’s historical and legal rights to the land of Israel. It is their land and only theirs.

Where is it written that the Arabs have any legal claim and rights to any part of the land of Israel? Nowhere! They are nothing but illegal conquerors, illegal squatters and usurpers.

So why do we never hear Netanyahu tell anyone who accuses Israel that Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria are illegal, as John Kerry did recently and as the EU do constantly, that they are wrong and insolent and demand to never hear this again from them? What he should say is that every single Jewish community in Judea and Samaria is legal and that even Ramallah belongs to Israel and the Arabs living there are squatters and only because of the benevolence of the Jews they have a good life there.

No Consistency

Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Netanyahu is inconsistent. I was under the impression that the policy of the government of Israel is to agree to talk with the Arabs without any preconditions. So why did Israel agree to release Jews killers as precondition for the Arabs to do Israel a favor and come to talk with her?

Will Netanyahu send his sons to risk their lives to detain Islamist terrorists so he can later release them to again endanger the lives of Jews …?!

We were told that this way – if Israel gives in here – the USA will back Israel’s position on Iran. We were lied to. The USA not only did not back Israel to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, it agreed to allow Iran to obtain a nuclear arsenal. The USA and the EU could not care less about Israel’s fate, her security or her fear of a nuclear Iran. Israel’s position was totally ignored when the P5+1 signed, in Geneva, a preliminary agreement with Iran. This was a historical mistake.

Releasing Terrorists Is Not “No Preconditions”

So why will Israel release more Arab terrorists in early January? Israel shows no dignity and self respect. By releasing these murderers, Israel acts against her own law and appears weak, inviting others to trample on her.

There was another bus bombing in Tel Aviv. It will be interesting to see if any of the recently released prisoners were in any way involved in this. Did releasing those prisoners in any way reduce violence against Israel?

Will the prisoner releases in January stop the violence, or even slow it down? Not likely. Yet the US today trots out its usual “We stand with Israel” flag when there is an atrocity such as this. We don’t believe it.

“We strongly condemn the bombing of a bus near Tel Aviv today. Our thoughts are with those affected and with the Israeli people at this time. Violent acts targeting civilians are deplorable. We reaffirm our unshakable bond with Israel and our solidarity with the Israeli people.” U.S. State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki.

Netanyahu failed in his job to stop Iran. It was his job to stop Iran, no one else’s. His red marker drawings on a bomb drawing in the UN was a nice dog and pony show that did nothing and achieved nothing.

Why don’t we all begin to call a spade a spade on everything?

Nurit Greenger
During the 2006 second Lebanon War, Nurit Greenger, referenced then as the "Accidental Reporter" felt compelled to become an activist. Being an 'out-of-the-box thinker, Nurit is a passionately committed advocate for Jews, Israel, the United States, and the Free World in general. From Southern California, Nurit serves as a "one-woman Hasbarah army" for Israel who believes that if you stand for nothing, you will fall for anything.

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