Disgusting Act of Bullying

A disgusting act of hazing involving a high school basketball team in Massachusetts.

Andover police have been called to investigate an allegation of hazing. It turns out two of the players were forced into playing a dirty game called ookie cookie.

Basically its Oreo’s covered in human bodily fluids. I have no idea what orifice those fluids come from. It has been reported

according to the Eagle-Tribune, Two of the team players did eat the Oreo’s. You would think that a High School student would know better than eat Oreo’s covered in human body fluids.

I guess it’s better than heroin or other illegal drugs.

Teenagers being teenagers? Or Bullying in High school? This is not hazing.

It’s Bullying!!!

Have you ever taken part or masterminded a hazing ritual at your high school or college? Let us know by sending your comments to, Me, Stevie Stevenson Jr by email at [email protected]

What out for those Oreo’s!

Read More: http://news.yahoo.com/video/us-15749625/27445408