Ft Carson’s Captain Matt Frye at ANA Base, FOB Hughie, Jalalabad, Afghanistan

By Bob Calvert, Talking With Heroes

After almost a year of preparation, and with the support of many people and companies, Talking With Heroes was able to go on our mission to Afghanistan.

Our first interview in Afghanistan, May 2010 was at FOB Hughie in Jalalabad, Afghanistan with Ft Carson’s 4BCT 4ID Captain Matt Frye.

Captain Frye talks about his service to our country. He takes us on a tour of the Afghanistan National Army (ANA) Base and about the ANA soldiers and their base, including some history of this base and the partnership between our troops and the ANA.

All of our Interviews and Footage from our trip with the troops in Afghanistan will be posted at NewsBlaze.com on the Heroes Page. Some of the shorter episodes are on our YouTube page www.youtube.com/bobc9246

As with all of our videos from our mission to Afghanistan, once you Watch one of our videos with our troops please Share it with everybody you can.

Bob Calvert, Host



email: [email protected]

Bob Calvert
Bob Calvert is the host of the Talking With Heroes radio talk show, that supports our troops, veterans, their families, the wounded, blue star families, gold star families and support groups. Bob has been to Iraq three times and once to Afghanistan, interviewing troops and locals. Contact Bob at NewsBlaze or at his website TalkingWithHeroes.com