Crossfire War: Middle East Theatre; Conflicting Timetables of Withdrawal

Night Watch: LONDON/BAGHDAD – It is not surprising that the British Prime Minister Tony Blair is speaking with a sense of immediacy. Energy services based in London also probably noticed the increased fighting in the Northern Caucasus, around Nalchik, and that Moscow will require some assistance in preventing Tehran from having to many easy military victories there through groups they, Riyadh-Ankara are supporting. [Associated Press]

He was quoted, “We are not saying there would be immediate withdrawal. We are not saying that there is an immutable timetable, irrespective of conditions on the ground.”

In a conflicting tone, in Baghdad, the Iraqi Shi’ite Prime Minister Jala Talabani, the representative of Tehran, indicated that he didn’t want the British to be so eager, “speedily” as the British Foreign Secrestary Jack Straw said Friday, to leave and that they should remain until the end of 2006. (See Talabani: Pullout talks can begin in ’06)

According to Iran’s very precise, Persian timetable, the Jihad will peak in its war effort next year, and the fewer Allied units they confront on other fronts the better. The reason why Tehran has so much influence with the Anglo-American lost alliance revolves around the reason Prince Charles just visited San Francisco, the city that is the headquarters of the engineering firm that constructed military bases for Iran, similar to the ones they built for Saudi Arabia during the 1980’s.

The day after the Gulf War ended in 1991 CNN showed the firm’s London branch office, invited to Iran. I suspect that Prince Charles and his peers decided to have no business embargo against Iran inorder to make an enormous, hellish profit off of the arrangement and obviously there were those in the U. S. who went along with it.

Of course they were probably advised by flattering foreign policy experts that the Middle East would continue to blow itself up, with Russia eventually moving in from the north in the name of international stability. They knew that Moscow constantly operates with hard currency from the West, especially Berlin, the government that found Vladimir Putin.

The Gulf War in some way completed arrangements that began to be made right after the Iran-Contra scandal of 1987, in which the Reagan administration had to be investigated for selling weapons to Iran’s hostile government during the Iran-Iraq War 1980-88. An investigation was also conducted in London for similar reasons. To those who followed the news country it was no revelation. During that eight year war articles would often refer to it as a weapons dealer dream. Both governments extremely wealthy and after the initial fighting of the first two years the war became a stalemate, which neither side could clearly win.

When the war finally ended the news would mention that Iran had a team waiting to take over Baghdad and Tehran knew that fundamentalists beliefs were indeed spreading all over the Islamic world and not just among the poor. But that more and more of the Islamic world’s establishment agreed that the next Jihad could reduce the West’s influence in Middle Eastern affairs, but Tehran knew they had to prepare and crucial to that preparation are servile corporate services for hire that are purely deal oriented and they all knew the Islamic world pays well. That is why during the 1970’s the West, Russia and China- North Korea began to sell the latest ships, planes, tanks, and all their guidance systems, missile technology, to anyone who could afford it and no one could afford it like the Middle East.

Beijing’s reason was not just to earn some extra cash. It’s reasons were and remain very strategic. They knew the Jihad had potential to weaken the West, Russia and India. China has often had problems with all three and not just in distant times past but also in the current history since World War II. Beijing may actually hate the West even more than Tehran.

In 1988, late that summer or early fall, CBS News Radio in Chicago, WBBM 780 AM mentioned Secretary of State George Schultz was holding secret negotiations with Iran attempting to secure an American position in Iran after the death of Khomeini. An investment-business position. A lot of articles, at the end of the Iran/Iraq War would mention that if the West gets invited back to Iran they could make a huge amount of money rebuilding. It was during the Iran/Iraq War that the world realized they could make more money helping Iran that Iraq and they reason for that could be in Iran’s enormous State Treasury which you could view by clicking on the link to Iran’s Central Bank. The link is on the right hand column of this website’s title page.

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Willard Payne
Willard Payne is an international affairs analyst who specializes in International Relations. A graduate of Western Illinois University with a concentration in East-West Trade and East-West Industrial Cooperation, he has been providing incisive analysis to NewsBlaze. He is the author of Imagery: The Day Before.