Record Snow Fall in Northeast U.S.A.

Anyone who hasn’t been bought off by carbon producing companies will have trouble explaining away this indication of climate change as the Northeast U.S. is seeing a record snow fall before the end of October.

Often in the past we wondered if there would be a white Christmas in this area, usually only seeing snow flurries by mid-December but, as you can see from these photos taken at Highland Ranch Sanctuary ( this morning, that isn’t the case this year.

Midmorning snow accumulation, October 29

Here in Punxsutawney, PA, rightly nick named “The Weather Capital of the World” because of Groundhog Day, Phil (the prognosticating marmot) won’t be judging the weather until February Second but there is already not just frost, but snow on the pumpkin.

Asparagus plants which should have been cut before heavy snow and are usually cut in early December.

This winter has arrived so early that animals will be affected, including sheep whose breeding cycle is governed by the first cold spell and will therefore be producing lambs earlier than any other year.

Farm animals are all influenced in one way or another by the early cold weather. These are rare Jacob Sheep rooting through the snow for food.

Other animals are still on pasture and, unlike our unimproved Jacob Sheep who will dig though deep snow looking for grass, many domesticated farm animals will be unable to feed through snow.

That means ranchers will be feeding earlier than ever after having a harvest season cut short and therefore having less feed stored.

Potential tree damage. Heavy snow with leaves on the trees is very unusual and causes a lot of damage.

Kitchen gardens will also be affected by this cold snap.

I’m even hearing reports from sources in emergency management that, since they are used for other things in warm weather, some municipalities haven’t yet mounted salt spreaders or plows on their trucks.