The Beast Bowl: Book Review

The definition of a fable is story that provides the reader with a simple moral viewpoint. Tom Chaikins new book, The Beast Bowl, follows these parameters. However, it is more than a moral tale with an imperative ending. It is also a chronicle about friendship, competition and teamwork.

Beast Bowl is the story of Sammy, a chimpanzee and Carl, an African Bull elephant. Sammy and Carl begin a dangerous journey into the heart of everyday life seeking a human coach for their football team. This team will participate in the oldest annual sporting event in the world – a football bowl game. Never do you forget while reading this book that all the competitors are animals. There is no sugar coating here. All of these guys are rough and tumble characters and contestants.

This book will appeal to readers of all ages. Those readers who are sports fans will be enchanted!

Natural occurences like hurricanes, droughts, and floods certainly take their toll on the environment. But the acts of terrorism, wars, and poor planning by governments and businesses alike cause additional calamity to our planet resulting in deforrestation and habitat loss.

It appears that Tom Chaikin’s ultimate goal with The Beast Bowl is to remind human beings that our beautiful blue planet is becoming a more and more fragile environment for everyone and everything. He played football while at the University of South Carolina. He understands the power of teamwork and competition. He comprehends that it takes it takes the total scrutiny of the human citizens of the Earth to help retain the natural beauty around us. The Beast Bowl, therefore, is a profound wake-up call for each one of us.

Sandra Pianin
Sandra Pianin is a talented writer who loves reading books and writing reviews from her home in New York. Sandra started her love affair with film after she saw her first movie screen in summer 1957.